How many times have you ever pulled for Louisville?

Once or twice when I was a little, little kid, but only because my Dad was a UL fan and I din't know any better, but since becoming a UK fan in 1987 I have never, not once, cheered for the filthy cards. Not that I cheered for all of their opponents either. When they played teams like UNCheat or dook I just acted like nothing was going on and found something else to do for 2 hours. Lol.
I hate Louisville, but I love UK more. Therefor, if Louisville winning helps UK, then I will root for them. This happens very very rarely. I also would consider rooting for Louisville against some of my other lesser hated teams such as Indiana, UNC and Duke, depending on the circumstances.
I root for Louisville most times that they are not playing Kentucky. I am old enough to remember when we did not play them.
Just call 'em as I see 'em! :sunglasses:

By the way, condescending is an appropriate adjective for the group of obnoxious UK fans that hold themselves above the normal true UK fan, simply because the normal true UK fan does not hate on U of L.
Wow, you sure sound like a REAL UK fan. DWS
"(N)ot a bleed blue fan", aka a true UK fan, because I happen to root for U of L?? As a season-ticket holder for FB and BB for 30+ years who watches or listens to nearly every UK FB or BB game, I qualify as a bleed blue fan, i.e., a true UK fan.

And frankly, I don't give a rat's ass what a lot posters, such as yourself who think a person must hate U of L in order to be a true fan, think! :sunglasses:

Lets see, you earlier said you held season tickets for "35 years or so" and now its down to 30+. Which is it? Can't keep your stories straight?

You said "(held season tickets for 35 or so years until the home OCC got so loaded with popcorn state teams, as Coach Cal likes to call them, that it wasn't worth the two-hour drive and the money to watch such non-competitive games)". If you ARE a UK fan, it sounds like you might be one of those "fans" that sit on your hands most of the game waiting to be entertained.[roll]

I still doubt you are really a UK fan.
I think it is safe to simply say, not every "TRUE BLUE" UK fan has the exact same level of dislike for UL (or any other school), and much of that is probably due to where and/or when they have lived and what fans of other schools (including UL) they have been around. In general, UL is probably the most disliked school by the most UK fans, followed (in some order) by UNC, Duke & IU; but that ranking is not universal.

Of course those living in/near Jefferson Co KY probably have a stronger dislike for UL, and those living in Indiana may have a stronger dislike for IU, and those living in NC may have a stronger dislike for UNC and/or Duke. But even if you live where the vast majority of fans are UK fans and experience few non-UK fans, it can take only a few (maybe even 1) arrogant/ignorant/obnoxious fan of another school to strengthen your dislike of that school.

We all aren't in the same place, and haven't had the same experiences. But to call out other's "fandom" because they don't agree (likely because they have different experiences) with you is stupid.
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Lets see, you earlier said you held season tickets for "35 years or so" and now its down to 30+. Which is it? Can't keep your stories straight?

You said "(held season tickets for 35 or so years until the home OCC got so loaded with popcorn state teams, as Coach Cal likes to call them, that it wasn't worth the two-hour drive and the money to watch such non-competitive games)". If you ARE a UK fan, it sounds like you might be one of those "fans" that sit on your hands most of the game waiting to be entertained.[roll]

I still doubt you are really a UK fan.

So now a UK fan is not "true blue" unless they get excited about blowout games against teams that require a Google search to locate???

Any other criteria, e.g., standing up the entire game to cheer during a 30-point win instead of standing to cheer when something actually exciting happens???

How about paint yourself blue and wear a blue wig to work after a UK win???

Or smashing your 80-in. smart TV after a UK loss???

Or taking your shotgun to every poor Cardinal bird (our state bird by the way) in your neighborhood after a UK loss to U of L???

BTW, do you understand the meaning of rat's ass??? :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:
I think it is safe to simply say, not every "TRUE BLUE" UK fan has the exact same level of dislike for UL (or any other school), and much of that is probably due to where and/or when they have lived and what fans of other schools (including UL) they have been around. In general, UL is probably the most disliked school by the most UK fans, followed (in some order) by UNC, Duke & IU; but that ranking is not universal.

Of course those living in/near Jefferson Co KY probably have a stronger dislike for UL, and those living in Indiana may have a stronger dislike for IU, and those living in NC may have a stronger dislike for UNC and/or Duke. But even if you live where the vast majority of fans are UK fans and experience few non-UK fans, it can take only a few (maybe even 1) arrogant/ignorant/obnoxious fan of another school to strengthen your dislike of that school.

We all aren't in the same place, and haven't had the same experiences. But to call out other's "fandom" because they don't agree (likely because they have different experiences) with you is stupid.

Good luck in trying to explain rational thought to the irrational!!! :sunglasses:
JonathanW Have you ever live in KY? If you have you would know about these UL fans and their dislike for UK. They are no different than UNC*** fans to me. I don't like anything about UL.

You should rephrase that to, 'Have you ever lived in Louisville.' I grew up in Lexington and traveled the state heavily for work. I don't think I ever ran into a UL fan unless I was in Louisville or they were playing in Lexington.
Only when the dirty birds play UNC***. The egomaniacal, entitled, snobby, head-in-the-sand, UNC***. fans are the worst. Carolina Way my a$$.
When they played Houston, Phi Slamma Jamma I cheered for UL and when they last played IU, I silently hoped that they'd embarrass the Hoosiers and all their hate toward the state of KY. That's about it. I can't even cheer for them when they play Duke or UNC. I just cannot.
It was hard to stand the sight of them last year. Now that Jones and Harrell are gone (and Behanan before them), I won't hate them nearly as much.
If you're like me, you can count them on one hand.

When I moved away from Kentucky for 15 years, I stopped hating U of L because there were no fans around to annoy me like there are here. In fact, if you meet a Louisville fan in...say...Florida, they usually are friendly and talk positively about UK. Still, there were only a couple of times I ever pulled for them to win.

1. 1997 or 1998 Elite Eight vs. North Carolina.....Dejuan Wheat got hurt and the game was basically over soon after it started.

2. 2008 (I think) Elite Eight vs. North Carolina.....Carolina again was loaded and U of L did well just to tie the game with like five minutes to go, but then Hansbrough took over. Game was in Charlotte.

3. 1975 Final Four vs. UCLA.....I was very young and liked both teams, what can I say?
I used to have no problem rooting for UofL (unless they play UK). These days it's complicated. If UofL is playing Duke, I will hope UofL wins. If UofL is playing UNCheat, it will depend on which team is ranked higher, or who I am around. I grew up with a father that was a Tards fan. I liked them as a small child, until I became old enough to follow the game. In 1992 UK played Duke, when Christian Bastar# made that shot, it was if a bomb went off. People were fighting, I compare it to seeing black, and white reactions to the OJ Simpson verdict. I knew then that I loved UK.
If U of L hired Kenny Payne to replace Pitino, I think I would start pulling for them when they didn't play us.
Back in 1956 have to say I cheered for Charlie Tyra, Morgan (no neck), Darrah and Harrah as they won the NIT when the title meant something. But Bob Burrow and group didn't win the big one, just about the last time I cheered for lil bro. Of course it was 50 years ago but I still remember.

Anybody from the Cincy area in that era would remember that we got most all the Dayton games on TV (who played Xavier, Cincy and Louisville) but not many Cat games in the mid 50s. Depended a lot on Claude and Cawood.
Whenever they play the tar holes on the basketball court.
Won't pull for them in football as long as Bobby Petrino is their coach.