How many minutes would you like to see Booker and Ulis get?

We can't get where we want to get by playing selfish. The layup Andrew missed should have been a dunk for Lee. He was wide open for a jam. I know Aaron hit some game winners from really deep in the tournament last year. But I think we can get a better shot than what he settled for in the 1st ot. Last year we didn't have any better shooters. This year, in those situations, I would like to see a play to get a shot for Booker. No doubt, he is the best shooter on the team.
I think the coach that has been to 3 of the last 4 final fours knows how to distribute minutes. I'll trust him.
When Booker is shooting the way he was yesterday he should play 40 minutes and every effort should be made to set screens for him so he can set his feet and square up. His only misses are when he rushes his shot, when he sets his feet you might as well count it.

I love Aaron but his shot is broken, he is way off and needs to get in the gym and put up 500 shots a day until it's fixed.

All of them need to work on free throws, my goodness we stunk from the line.

I do feel the real problem is coaching though. This team should rip a zone apart but we stink against any and all zones right now. Cal needs to fix that.
Actually we shot great from the line as a team, go look at the box score stats. 71%. You figure out who shot 50% from the line. Because if I say it I might get banned or be accused of Clutter.