How many coaches has UK had during your fandom?

My first memory of Hall were SEC games playing on TV while signing up for little league baseball, mid 70s.

Last memory of Cal....walking his dog.
Pope makes #7

Joe B...I mostly remember the teams and not him as coach. I was 10 when he retired.
Eddie...the first coach I really remember
Rick...the first coach I LOVED
Tubby...the first coach I hated
Clyde...he's my dirty little secret, liked him and still follow his career
Cal...oh Cal, you are why coaches shouldn't stay somewhere past 10 yrs
I was alive during Rupp's last years but knew nothing about college basketball yet, so for me Pope makes seven.

Surprisingly, this new guy makes seven for U of L in that time. I would have guessed like 10
All of them! . . . . no I started with Rupp's last years too.
Once Pope coaches his first game, it will be 7 for me.

Born during Hall’s tenure. I barely remember the tenures of Hall and Sutton and vividly remember Pitino, Smith, Gillispie, Calipari and Pope.
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Once Pope coaches his first game, it will be 7 for me.

Born during Hall’s tenure. I barely remember Hall and Sutton and remember Pitino, Smith, Gillispie, Calipari and Pope.
5. Still remember the NC game vs Syracuse. Too young to know how impactful it was, but old enough to know I'd follow UK til I die. Vividly recall the Statue of Liberty center court.
I have limited memory of the last year Rupp coached, mainly because I heard my Dad talking about it as being historic. Don't really remember too much about that team other than names.
Don't think I can pick just one. Dampier, Issel and Mash probably top my list.
Thanks. I'm about 10 years behind you and it's Macy for me. But, Issel and Mash would be on my all time starters list. I did get to see Dampier and Issel on the Colonels and NBA (not sure Louie played in the NBA).
I was alive when Rupp was still coaching but only remember

Joe B. Hall
Eddie Sutton
Rick Pitino - My personal favorite to this point
Tubby Smith
Bill Clyde Gillespi
John Calipari
Now, Mark Pope
Same for me but I do remember Rupp’s funeral in 77, in 72 I was into Learning things and breaking things. I remember listening to the games on the radio more when I was younger.
* UK football - 10
* UK basketball - 8

Pope is the 8th basketball coach. Of the previous 7, five were really successful and 2 were disasters. The 2 who were disasters were raging alcoholics. I’m pretty sure Pope isn’t a raging alcoholic, and therefore has good odds of succeeding. 🤔
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Wouldn't count myself as a fan until Pitino years, so 5 for me. Was too young and didn't follow UK as a small child. Was about 9 when Pitino was hired.

Earliest memories are watching games on tape delay and being absolutely exhausted going to school the next day. Very blessed to start fandom during the rebirth of UK basketball.
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I was alive during Rupp's last years but knew nothing about college basketball yet, so for me Pope makes seven.

Surprisingly, this new guy makes seven for U of L in that time. I would have guessed like 10
Four. Got in at the tail end of the Tubby era. Joe Crawford, Ramel Bradley, and Derrick Jasper are the first players I remember watching.
Started with Rupp’s 1969-70 team with Issel, Pratt, Parker, Mills, and Steele. Also had a good bench that year. I was nearly 11 years old when Dan was called for a foul while running down the court in the Jacksonville game and cried like a baby. With Mike Casey, UK would have had a great chance to win the title.
I was alive during the last couple of seasons for Rupp. I have zero memory of those years. Hall is the coach I associate with as our coach.
Loved Sutton’s 86’ team but always saw him as an outsider.
Pitino was the right guy at the right time.
Tubby was the guy you wanted to succeed so badly but didn’t adapt to the changing landscape of recruiting and coaching elite talent.
BCG the exciting fun guy that you gave the keys to your sports car to and didn’t realize he was drunk out of mind until he’s driving the wrong way on the interstate cussing at the oncoming vehicles
Cal was charismatic preacher at a megachurch who quadruple’s membership, attendance, and contents in the collection plate but starts to forget that he’s the messenger not the message.
Pope seems like the perfect fit. Time will tell.
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