I have it on good authority that Nooneputsbabyinacorner was there from our rivals chokehawk contingency, keeping an eye on fairness and good sportsmanship, an eye FIRMLY ON Bubba THE ENTIRE TIME - as they made him sit in the corner. I was assured he would be OUT and AWAY and IN THE CORNER, specifically only was my single stipulation - that Nooneputsbabyinacorner to watch him when they talked about UNC*** getting IN.
as if that should have ever been a conversation to begin with, I'm not sure anyone asked that question. But Bubba recused himself. I liked that touch. Nice. He's been waiting to pull that one on us for a few years, that one.
at least if UNC*** actually loses the game, they will not have officially **made** the NCAA tournament, this year, or at least made the "field of 68" or whatever number they say now. The bottom line is :
that was pure politics
in your face