Hoosier state: Dumb as we wanna' be

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Id make wager that most of the people against this thread are for the bill. The kind of people with rigid ideologies about how the world should work. Whose ideologies can only stay intact if they are not brought forth to be scrutinized by more enlightened thinkers.
The bill wont last now that it is on the countries radar.
Originally posted by wldctky:

Originally posted by ukfan79:

Originally posted by wldctky:
please remove this thread...and block the O.P. the only posts I ever see from him are trying to push an agenda and start arguments..send him packing please
The OP is my friend and one of the best posters on this board.

Your judgment of his posting habits is completely off base as well.

Mods....please DO NOT ban the OP!
please do ban...go look through threads your " friend" posts in..always baiting to start arguments...that is against board rules... oh, never mind Liberals think you should be able to say or do anything you want without consequences, so by all means carry on
I thought liberals were all about wanting to silence everyone who disagreed with them and conservatives were all about free speech? This board is so confusing sometimes.
Originally posted by EliteBlue:
It's the correct law. Not because people should discriminate against anyone but because a private business owner should be allowed to refuse service to whomever they please. If that effects their business then so be it, but it's their choice.

If you come to my soup shop and don't order correctly, "No soup for you!" -- there are cheese steak places in philly that do just this.

If I'm a bar owner and want to kick everyone out that is wearing rival gear then I can. Now if my bar Is in Louisville that may hurt business.
So you would also support businesses being able to refuse to serve our basketball players because of their race...right?
@ this thread
Originally posted by CatCop:

Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

Originally posted by CatCop:

I like the law.
Then you like hiding behind Jesus to exercise your personal prejudices

Jus sayin' Copper
hiding behind deviant sexual proclivities while forcing others to accept your lifestyle is not prejudiced? LOL!
Key point; "forcing others to accept your lifestyle". If others would think about that very hard, they'd form an opinion that didn't cause other "not"-like-minded people to "have" to conform and shut up and take whatever anyone else wants to do.

You do what you want to do BUT, don't force me to accept it. (Good, or bad.) If it's in public, yes, you are forcing me to accept it. IF you take my taxes or force me to pay for something I'd never pay on my's wrong to do.
Originally posted by wldktz8:

Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

Originally posted by bigblueinsanity:

Before you throw stones, know that Kentucky passed basically the same law about 3 years ago.
There's no geographic constraint on stupidity, is there?
The real stupidity is suing a company because they will not service you. Go to another business that will. I am for this bill. There are many companies that support the gay agenda. However if I run a photography business I should not be FORCED to service a gay couples wedding if I do not support it or be put out of business by a lawsuit. The real low downs are the ones who sue a business just because they wouldn't service them. Go find a business that will.
And situations like this are exactly what the law is designed to stop. I support it and would hope anyone who believes in freedom of religious expression would support it as well.
A lifestyle choice doesn't mean you get to violate my religious beliefs. Darn that mean old Constitution again.
Originally posted by wldctky:
Originally posted by ukfan79:

Originally posted by wldctky:
please remove this thread...and block the O.P. the only posts I ever see from him are trying to push an agenda and start arguments..send him packing please
The OP is my friend and one of the best posters on this board.

Your judgment of his posting habits is completely off base as well.

Mods....please DO NOT ban the OP!
please do ban...go look through threads your " friend" posts in..always baiting to start arguments...that is against board rules... oh, never mind Liberals think you should be able to say or do anything you want without consequences, so by all means carry on
Hmm! Sounds more like laissez-faire to me. A position of the Bush administration in actuality and the building block of the Great Recession was the result.
Well let's all be fair. Let's all get a participation trophy. I have no problem with gay people living their lives, I just don't see the big deal. If a guy who owns a business wants to deter you, I feel as if he can and there's nothing the government or some law should be able to do about it
We should have different water fountains too. I mean, no reason to make heterosexual people drink the same water as gays, right?
Hahahahaha minimal government intervention caused the Great Recession Hahahahaha some of you crack me up. Let's just switch to communism while we're at it
Originally posted by Comebakatz3:

We're talking about a minority so there isn't going to be a huge decrease in business. Probably not enough to change someone's practices. Now, let's say you have a homosexual couple who moves to a small town, which you have a lot of in Indiana. In that small town there is only one person who does the thing they are wanting done. Maybe it is a cake or a caterer for some event, any event. The service provider refuses based upon religion. Should the couple have to go out of town to find someone to provide them with the service? How far should they have to go? What if they have to pay more for the service because the service provider having to travel? I know in my town, which has about 30,000 people, there is only one person that is a cobbler and does shoe repairs. The next closest cobbler is about 30 minutes away in Knoxville. Even then, there are only a handful in Knoxville. So, what if the couple lives here and is refused by all the cobblers? How far should they have to drive in order to find someone who will fix their shoes? **Note: I think it would be hard to refuse to repair someone's shoes based upon religion, but I am just using it as an example of one business I know of that does not have many servicers.**
i'm not worried about if it kills someone's business. i don't care if it kills the business.
i'm simply saying don't give someone YOUR business if they don't particularly want it. why would you help me earn my living if i hated you for having cat ears?

someone somewhere will take your money no questions asked. 30 minutes isn't that far away. the town i grew up in, i had to drive that far just to get to the nearest McDonald's, and they're everyGDwhere. not that i DID drive 30 minutes to get to a McD's, just making my point.

if your life is so disrupted that you constantly have to travel further than you think you should to gain a product or service... i would suggest moving. is that a place you want to be? i left the hollers of eastern Kentucky because i had to travel further than i liked to do literally anything not related to riding a four wheeler and smoking pot (which i did a lot of).

and bigotry is a two way street.
if you hate an entire group of people for whatever reason, you're a bigot, regardless of what motivates it.
hate black people? bigot.
hate gay people? bigot.
hate extra terrestrials? bigot.
hate bigots? bigot.
Originally posted by ukfan79:

Originally posted by WCBcats:
If you own a business, you can do as you please. The left wing is ruining a great country you can't or nor should you be allowed to do "whatever you want"

Look. I'm a moderate and actually lean right pretty heavily on most issues. But I am also gay as many on this board know.

People like you and a few others are pushing me further left these days though.
I did not know who or what you are and I do not care. (I wish you and your family well in any event.) I either like you or I do not like you. (That is my choice in anything.) There are some people you will "just not like". Or I may not want to be around you. That is again my choice. (It won't be because of being gay.)

You should be able to "do whatever you want" "as long" as you don't stop someone else from doing whatever they want. Of course sometimes to do "whatever you want" you cannot do it in front of others or places where a mixture of cultures or associations or religions are gathered. That is where a little decent living and common courtesy comes in. This country used to have decency and common courteousy. Now everyone "must" make everyone else accept them. You just can't do that and have a society, you cannot.
If these laws stand, then the businesses should be required to post a simple yet visible sign (equivalent to a "no smoking" sign) that says "We do not serve gays".

I have a feeling most of those businesses wouldn't be comfortable with doing that (for multiple reasons)
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