Honest question re: don't show too much in early games


Oct 29, 2004
I understand that's the conventional wisdom - play vanilla, get the win, don't show too much to future opponents, etc.

Just being Devil's Advocate, what's wrong with throwing every possible play we'll run this year into this first game, especially once we had the game well in hand? Wouldn't that make future opponents have to prepare for EVERYTHING which is impossible to do? Also, wouldn't running some of those alternative plays against a team like Ball State up 30-7 much less risky than trying them out for the first time with real bullets flying against FL, TN, Vandy, etc?

Seems like most coaches would rather play very close to the vest and conservatively in early games rather than open up the entire playbook and have future opponents preparing for a possible 200 plays.

Just seems curious to me that not even a few coaches think that way when, to me, it's pretty logical. Obviously, you don't want to jeopardize a win, but wouldn't you want to overwhelm future staffs in trying to prepare for all the different stuff we ran in Week #1?

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