Hilton Magic vs. Memorial Magic


Dec 13, 2010
Morganfield, KY.
.... and since I did start that thread on Vandy earlier, I thought I should have to give the Vandy fans a bone.

All I'm hearing about is this "Hilton Magic" in the KU-ISU game. But (according to the wiki) Hilton magic started in 1989 with the upset of Mizzou. OK fine, whatever. They only built it starting in 1971.

But Memorial, on the other hand, or as I like to call it : Miserable Gymnasium .... was completed in 1952 and was magical from its' inception. From the 52' win over Virginia, to the 1959 win over Baylor, and the list goes on and on and on. UK has seen some truly horrific messed up magical BS happen many many times in that horror of a opera house. Us, and many other teams, in many, many games.

So they can talk all they want to and spin it all the want to, and tell us they got magic up there till' the Cyclone fans are blue in the face about magic in a gymnasium, but Vandy has that market cornered for a LONG time. No comparison, in my opinion.

Just had to get that off my chest. Where are the Vandy lurkers ? start hittin' this thread up and demanding some memorial ... err... I mean "miserable gymnasium" magic respect. DEMAND YOUR RESPECT for your MAGIC, VANDY !

Lord knows I've seen enough of it in so many games, miserable gym knows no equal when it comes to magic mojo.

So there, Vandy fans. You got a good word. Take it and run with it.

Originally posted by runt#69:
.... and since I did start that thread on Vandy earlier, I thought I should have to give the Vandy fans a bone.

All I'm hearing about is this "Hilton Magic" in the KU-ISU game. But (according to the wiki) Hilton magic started in 1989 with the upset of Mizzou. OK fine, whatever. They only built it starting in 1971.

But Memorial, on the other hand, or as I like to call it : Miserable Gymnasium .... was completed in 1952 and was magical from its' inception. From the 52' win over Virginia, to the 1959 win over Baylor, and the list goes on and on and on. UK has seen some truly horrific messed up magical BS happen many many times in that horror of a opera house. Us, and many other teams, in many, many games.

So they can talk all they want to and spin it all the want to, and tell us they got magic up there till' the Cyclone fans are blue in the face about magic in a gymnasium, but Vandy has that market cornered for a LONG time. No comparison, in my opinion.

Just had to get that off my chest. Where are the Vandy lurkers ? start hittin' this thread up and demanding some memorial ... err... I mean "miserable gymnasium" magic respect. DEMAND YOUR RESPECT for your MAGIC, VANDY !

Lord knows I've seen enough of it in so many games, miserable gym knows no equal when it comes to magic mojo.

So there, Vandy fans. You got a good word. Take it and run with it.

Hilton Magic?

Never heard of it...

I have personally witnessed Vandy beating three #1 teams in Memorial Gym and there have been a few others there two. I watch Barry Goheen do some magical things there for sure. Love that place, but let's face it, but the players win the games. We have been terrible for three years and not so coincidentally, there has been no Memorial Magic.
