High school track star hit with baton

What are you talking about? As i read everyone's post, I see two people who mentioned trans, and another 10 or so who didn't. I see several regular political thread posters who didn't even bring it up, instead just made jokes about the situation.

And nice spin, your post reads exactly as someone taking their shot at the other side of the political (or trans) aisle. You can sit there and pretend it's not, but again, half a dozen of us saw through your shit. Be a little slicker. This isn't the first time you tried to bait a thread into politics and then cry when it does.

I don't put you on ignore because I thoruoughly enjoy and take responsibility for calling out your nonsense. You can put ME on ignore if you so choose to, idc.
Stop. Being. Weird.

No one wants to argue about this all evening and you're taking one post and turning it into a massive thing. You're an adult. Quit getting emotional. I'm not doing this with you anymore so I'll just ignore ya. Enjoy Spring and March Madness if you're able to.
Stop. Being. Weird.

No one wants to argue about this all evening and you're taking one post and turning it into a massive thing. You're an adult. Quit getting emotional. I'm not doing this with you anymore so I'll just ignore ya. Enjoy Spring and March Madness if you're able to.

And here you are responding to all of it "on a tuesday" lmfao.

You can sit there and think this is just me.. half this thread called you out on your shit (the other half clearly just ignores you in general). Take your loss and just go home.
I don’t like what is transpiring here. Let’s transition from the political transitory hall monitor to transform this thread and transport all involved to enjoy a ride in a Trans Am through the Transylvania countryside!

Getting tranny in here!

(Transfer this to the political thread, because the hall monitor said so!!)
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And here you are responding to all of it "on a tuesday" lmfao.

You can sit there and think this is just me.. half this thread called you out on your shit (the other half clearly just ignores you in general). Take your loss and just go home.
He does this stuff regularly. It's a compulsion to virtue signal he can't resist. It's the only thing folks like him have in life to make them feel importance. It's actually kind of sad.
Have they pressed charges? I imagine the season is over so I guess you can’t do anything with that.

But of course she pulls this garbage
“In the week since the race, Everett said she has received death threats and been called racial slurs from people who saw the incident on social media.”

This is the go-to every single time someone is BSing and trying to elicit sympathy and turn the tables “Death threats.” Suuuure. Just like Angel Reese got “death threats” yet never once showed that or filed any police report.

Reminds me of when Myles Garrett hit the Steelers QB with his helmet and then falsely claimed he was called a slur.
I have noticed referees will do this after a horrible game changing call.
I think they should investigate whether the 'alleged' victim ran too close, brought it on herself and got what she deserved. Imagine the arrogance it takes to believe you have a right to run a race in a high school track meet and NOT be assaulted from behind. I'd call it white privilege except, you know, the victim was black. Sarcasm intended before idiots respond.

Reading the NAACP statement about the incident induced severe gagging in me. Making excuses, lauding what a wonderful individual the perpetrator is, a model student, 'she would never do something like this' (um, she actually DID do something like this), blah, blah, blah. Evidently, there are entities in the US whose sole purpose is to make sure no one ever has to take responsibility for their actions.

This angle couldn’t be more damning.

Skank straight up lying. Just apologize and admit ya ****ed up, but nope. That’s her shit parent probably giving shit advice.

People that wanna play victim WHEN THEY CAUSED THE SHIT are one of my pet peeves. **** her.
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This angle couldn’t be more damning.
"I never would hit somebody on purpose"
She literally had to reach out to hit her. Some will never take responsibility for their actions.
Shame on the parents as well. As bad as what she did is, their helping in the false narrative may contribute to her living the rest of her life without a sense of personal responsibility.
Unbelievable. I shouldn’t be surprised at the absurdity of rallying around scum.
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This & other AA violent outbursts largely flow from the victimhood mentality promoted by Libs. It's intergenerational. It doesn't happen with any other demographic.
Is this one of times where we're suppose to "not believe anything you hear, and only 50% of what you see"?

All i'm thinkin' is imagine the narrative this gal and her ilk would be pushin' without the video!