Have You Been Banned at Tar Heel Radar?

The only even half-way decent UNCheat fan that has posted on this board was NCAAUCoach, and even he was suspected of being hypocritical. I never saw him be disrespectful here, and he didn't post much at THR. Other than him though, all of their fans have been tools when they post here. At least there have been several respectful and reasonable Duke fans post here.
I've posted on 3 non-UK boards and been banned from 3 non-UK boards.

I understand that there would be a bit of a "circle the wagons" mentality on UNC boards due to the academic mess. However even before all that hit they had gotten pretty strict, if not THR, Inside Carolina certainly had. It's like they want absolutely nothing to do with anyone who doesn't wear baby blue. Pretty narrow minded.
Well that must be The Carolina Way! :joy:
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Just got banned after posting nothing but quotes from the W Report, ESPN, and Fox (and including links for each.) Oh, also was very nice. Man, they are touchy over there. Can't wait till that cheating cesspool is burned to the ground.
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