Has Cal lost it? Up 3 with 2.5 secs left he tells Nelly to miss the FT.

I see what his angle is. But being up by 4 is the safer play. If you miss that free throw and they somehow corral the rebound and do a half court heave.. could be a tie game. Go up by 4, and it means they not only have to hit a circus 3 super quick, but then also foul/cause a turnover..

This is an example of being too cute. Go for the easy win.
Dumb dumb dumb.... Yeah you've done some unconventional "stuff".... Stuff to lose games. He's cooked. Sad they will make the NCAA tournament but don't expect them to do anything limping in with a coach that coaches like this at end of games.... After giving up a 20 point lead against league's worst team.
I like the move. Shock the other team into complete confusion and then BAM! Game over.

I would’ve gone even one step further and told him to shoot it granny style and maybe flip off the ref at the same time. Lull the other team into a false sense of security with a technical foul. Get their hopes up and then pull a classic Cal troll job.

This is why he’s a HOFer.
I see what his angle is. But being up by 4 is the safer play. If you miss that free throw and they somehow corral the rebound and do a half court heave.. could be a tie game. Go up by 4, and it means they not only have to hit a circus 3 super quick, but then also foul/cause a turnover..

This is an example of being too cute. Go for the easy win.
No there is no angle up 3 there is only he is an idiot to ever think that.

Now what Duke did vs Butler in 2010 Championship game MADE A LOT MORE SENSE but still risky

When you are up 2 and you miss on purpose because there was so few time left then it be better that they have to shoot an 80 footer to win rather than inbound and maybe get a 25 footer to tie NOW THAT MAKES SENSE to miss the FT up 2 but never up 3.

Now here is another thing to consider South Carolina had a timeout so even if he missed they call timeout and they still have 2 secs left.

So this ONLY works if the other team has NO TIMEOUTS LEFT forcing them to throw a long ball.

Again when your up 1 or 2 you miss on purpose if they have no timeouts left

If you are up 3 you are always making it
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Why would there only be 1 second left by the time they rebounded it? They pulled all of their rebounders. SC would’ve gotten an immediate uncontested rebound and I’m pretty sure they had a time out. Worse case, they would have gotten an uncontested rebound and had 2.5 seconds to turn up court and shoot a half court shot. Pulling your rebounders AND missing it on purpose was the absolute dumbest thing you could possibly do in that situation. You are giving SC the best possible chance to make something happen. If you make it, go up 4, and then you could literally walk off the court and still win.
Why would there only be 1 second left by the time they rebounded it? They pulled all of their rebounders. SC would’ve gotten an immediate uncontested rebound and I’m pretty sure they had a time out. Worse case, they would have gotten an uncontested rebound and had 2.5 seconds to turn up court and shoot a half court shot. Pulling your rebounders AND missing it on purpose was the absolute dumbest thing you could possibly do in that situation. You are giving SC the best possible chance to make something happen.
THIS. All of it. I was watching it just shaking my head. The second he pulled the rebounders, I just thought "man if Nelly misses they're going to just have a free dribble or two before heaving it." Or, when I realized SC had a TO left they get an uncontested board, no time elapses and they call TO. There's really no angle here where it was anything but just absolutely the wrong thing to do.
I like the move. Shock the other team into complete confusion and then BAM! Game over.

I would’ve gone even one step further and told him to shoot it granny style and maybe flip off the ref at the same time. Lull the other team into a false sense of security with a technical foul. Get their hopes up and then pull a classic Cal troll job.

This is why he’s a HOFer.
Absolutely. It's chaos and the game is over before anyone knows what's going on.
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Pulling that coaching move when you're up by three .... it's almost 99.999% chance you are going to win the game regardless if he makes it or not. So Cal says to miss it, trying to look like he's some kind of genius at end game strategy by doing the unexpected (even though everyone can unanimously see this as a stupid and foolish coaching move).

His ego and hubris .... good riddance.

I am so glad and happy we don't have to put up with CCC any longer here, ever, forever and ever.

Just beat his ass when he coaches the opponents from now on.
He had already done enough to convince me that he’d lost the plot before this, but this is still a level of nonsense rarely seen from a coach. There’s absolutely no scenario where missing that on purpose creates an advantage. Getting the 4 point lead and making it to where a made basket literally can’t hurt you far outweighs any marginal increase in difficulty you add to their desperation shot by denying them a chance to throw an inbound pass.
Watching them play today.... Even without Fland and Theiro they have a sh** ton of talent.
He would have lost 20 games this year with Pope's roster.