Originally posted by WayneDougan:
Originally posted by argubs2:
Expect questions such as....
- "You're standing on a street corner. There's an elderly woman to your left about to be robbed and potentially assaulted by a masked man. To your right, a man stands with a knife preparing to kill an innocent dog. You can only intervene in one scenario. Which crime do you stop? Why?
- "A co-worker politely asks you to stop microwaving your Indian food in the break room. Do you...."
A. Offer some of your Indian food to him
B. Explain to him that this is, in fact, a free country
C. Ask him why he is racist
D. All of the above
- "A female co-worker has both nice tits and a nice ass. Which do you politely compliment first? Why?"
Go with your heart and remember, there are right/wrong answers here.
I answered in the following manner and got the job:
1) Is the dog under 10 lbs? If so, kill the dog.
2) B. The free country response is always appropriate to anything.
3) Are they fake tits? If so, that's appropriate. But generally speaking you gotta go ass because it shows that the woman was putting in the work.