Sorry to offend those above on this thread . I was apparently under the mistaken impression that people were innocent until proven guilty . Guess I got the country where this happened in wrong.
Seriously, if you don’t think some police officers join the force because they are bullys you don’t live in the real world.
Let’s c the body cam if one exist . Maybe he was drunk and out Of line.
maybe not . My point is to get all of the facts before you judge him.
if a video doesn’t exist that speaks volumes as well.
Seems like I c everyday where a city has paid a substantial sum for police misconduct . And oh BTW I come from a strong law enforcement background. And yes as the story on Mumme is written I would want to know a lot more before I decided who was at fault .
And those who know me would laugh at u calling me liberal.
Not liberal just know how things work in police departments and the real world. Dont ever assume because someone is charged they are guilty . That is not what America is all about.
i think the biggest difference between me and the above criticism is that I have sat around the FOP Hall listening to certain cops bragging about the arrest of various athletes and celebrities. Just want to b sure it’s not another notch in the holster situation before I judge .