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Travel sports are the absolute worst. A plague on our society, really. Kaydyn is not going to be an MLB player no matter how many hours you spend in the batting cage or driving to Shittersville, Ohio for a premier tournament.

Can't forget to drop at least $500 on personalized batting gloves, cleats, and bat bag. :rolleyes:
Rack. It’s the dad’s equivalent of “pageant mom”.
Dear Travel League Superstar,

Congratulations on your upcoming freshman year. We are happy to see you matriculate to beautiful Danville, Kentucky, and are excited to extend you this gracious offer in the way of a $2,000 annual scholarship to play Division 4 baseball. Happy mashing.

He could do that in rec ball and support his community. Those fields don't just appear out of nowhere. Municipal funds, parks and rec., etc. But whatever...

Baseball has basically died in our rural county. Our Cal Ripken "league" combined 9U, 10U, 11U, and 12U this year and even then, there was only enough kids for 4 teams. My business sponsors sports teams and 5K races in the community throughout the year so I feel like we do our part in supporting local stuff.

My kid doesn't need really need baseball for a scholarship anyways. He's going to the NBA.
Dear Travel League Superstar,

Congratulations on your upcoming freshman year. We are happy to see you matriculate to beautiful Danville, Kentucky, and are excited to extend you this gracious offer in the way of a $2,000 annual scholarship to play Division 4 baseball. Happy mashing.

Hey, I didn't say it was a good pipe dream.
At what point do 99% of parents reflect back on all that time, money, and effort wasted on their kids once blossoming athletic career than never materialized into professional millions and think....

… That was stupid.

Later in life? 60s? When their kids are full grown? Never??

Some of my fondest memories with my father revolve around him coaching me in baseball. I don’t think he’d trade it for a million dollars.
Dear Travel League Superstar,

Congratulations on your upcoming freshman year. We are happy to see you matriculate to beautiful Danville, Kentucky, and are excited to extend you this gracious offer in the way of a $2,000 annual scholarship to play Division 4 baseball. Happy mashing.


Centre doesn't offer athletic scholarships. I was a prized recruit for them 20 years ago, but they couldn't offer me what I wanted (a student body that had more than 9 attractive women) so I hung up my spikes.
Centre doesn't offer athletic scholarships. I was a prized recruit for them 20 years ago, but they couldn't offer me what I wanted (a student body that had more than 9 attractive women) so I hung up my spikes.

Congratulations on not falling into that trap. How many DII/DIII athletes end up quitting after their freshman year andheading to Big State U?
Now don't embarrass us.

* I think Hami may have discovered his jumper. He was 50% from 3 for us over the last 9 games and shot 44% from deep in the NBA Summer League.

* Anth, were you able to pull any strings with your boy Mitch to get Dom Papa doing the sideline reporting in the Bahamas?


-Shhhhhh don't compliment one of our guys. Not acceptable around these parts. Snark only.

-AnthqueToast is in a rocky patch. He was already unsettled over my creepy email about changes to the under 8(or 4) former K banner. Also me taking that up the cheerleading and marketing ladders. Now that I absolutely hate the checkerboards and he realized I'm not really a mountain guy(although I did summit Kili in one try boom) we're on the brink.

-nice post
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How many DII/DIII athletes end up quitting after their freshman year andheading to Big State U?

Word. We had a couple guys in my fraternity who were former Centre basketball players. None of them spoke well of their time there.

It's not just DivII and III; a guy who works for me now played baseball at Ohio State for two years. He's the happiest, go-lucky guy around, a top-performer who never complains or has a bad word to say... except when you talk about baseball at Ohio State. He hated every minute of it.
I quit golf entirely for nearly 10 years after my Freshman year at Evansville, seriously hated the game - miserable experience all around.

Nothing glamorous about 98% of college sports, and it robs of you any kind of real "college experience", imo.
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Some of my fondest memories with my father revolve around him coaching me in baseball. I don’t think he’d trade it for a million dollars.

He told me you had a weak arm, chased too many pitches out of the strike zone, and usually missed the cutoff man.

But hey, he was a little sauced at the wedding, so who knows if he really meant all that.
College sports are generally about your coach looking for a better job and for some reason a lot of times that means making their players miserable.

I don’t quite understand the logic there but it is what it is.
First time in Riverfront Coliseum since watching UK play Texas Tech in - I believe December 1995. Funny- much like Freedom Hall- it has terrible amenities, feels like 1980 and has concourses as wide as a junkie’s veins, but not a bad seat in the house.

Good spot to soak in some nostalgia, see a bunch of bloated 90s kids who shared the same experiences as you did 25 years ago and watch a weird, pretentious band play songs with zero pop appeal.

Glad I took it in- gracias to the wife for the birthday present, always fun catching a buzz with your best buddies midweek especially in 2018- but never want to see Radiohead again.
Word. We had a couple guys in my fraternity who were former Centre basketball players. None of them spoke well of their time there.

It's not just DivII and III; a guy who works for me now played baseball at Ohio State for two years. He's the happiest, go-lucky guy around, a top-performer who never complains or has a bad word to say... except when you talk about baseball at Ohio State. He hated every minute of it.

Yep- tried to talk my little cousin out of playing basketball at Union. Told him to go to Ohio State or Ohio U (in state) and have some fun. Didn’t listen and was back at UC by January.
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He told me you had a weak arm, chased too many pitches out of the strike zone, and usually missed the cutoff man.

But hey, he was a little sauced at the wedding, so who knows if he really meant all that.

A little sauced? Have you seen his dance floor videos?
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My children are very white and thin, so I feel like cross-country may be in their future.

Be sure and buy them this shirt. It's pretty much required.
Played 2 years (technically 1.5) at Lindsey out of high school. My best friend went to UK, joined a fraternity, and I ultimately went up there every weekend when out of season and wondered why in the hell it wasn’t like that back at ol’ LWC (lol).

Had a major accident on a jet ski in the summer between year 1 and year 2. Nerve damage to shooting shoulder which was my ONLY advantage. Year 2 was awful. Hung it up at. Hristmas, not because I hated it, but because I couldn’t play ata high level. After Christmas, I was basically a part time UK student. Frat parties and randoms.

I transferred. Joined the same frat as my buddy (already knew most of the guys) and had as much fun with intramurals as I did playing around the Ohio valley after traveling in a van for 4 hours. Oh, yeah. I dunked on a cornerback on the UK football team. Complete And-1 in his grill. Stopped the game as Jimmy Robinson (?) and other D Lineman came out to give me fist bumps. My claim to fame, I guess.
First time in Riverfront Coliseum since watching UK play Texas Tech in - I believe December 1995. Funny- much like Freedom Hall- it has terrible amenities, feels like 1980 and has concourses as wide as a junkie’s veins, but not a bad seat in the house.

Good spot to soak in some nostalgia, see a bunch of bloated 90s kids who shared the same experiences as you did 25 years ago and watch a weird, pretentious band play songs with zero pop appeal.

Glad I took it in- gracias to the wife for the birthday present, always fun catching a buzz with your best buddies midweek especially in 2018- but never want to see Radiohead again.
I was at that game, as well as the JV game before it.

Nazr Mohammed’s transformation from a guy who could barely move in that game, let alone dunk as a 6’ 10” guy playing against GYERO all stars into an 18 year NBA vet is still one of the most amazing things I’ve seen.
Intramural glory was almost as satisfying as high school sports glory - with one notable exception: my dad did not give AF about how well intramurals were going. Tried to talk to him about a football game once - not a lot of interest there. I actually think it was a teaching moment; "Listen son - you are no longer playing real competitive sports. It's over. Nobody cares. Enjoy it, but don't talk about it." Applies to fantasy football as well.
Had an incoming freshman (not basketball, but still fully funded, so probably had a nice chunk of a scholarship) back out today, not enrolling at all, less than a week before practice starts.

The poor dad emailed us a follow up and was crushed and super apologetic, but I mean... I get it. There's very little glory in 90% of college athletics, even in DI.
I’ll tell you who deserves ALL the pumps — Division 2/3/NAIA athlete who brags about getting a scholarship.

Of course you got a scholarship, dick. EVERYONE gets a scholarship. Your school costs $59,000/year, and they throw you a tiny bone to make your ignorant ass feel special.

“I just won a free vacation I just have to sit thru this presentation guy” and “I just won a free happy hour at Have a Nice Day Cafe Guy” thinks you’re an idiot.
I'll tell you what I miss most about playing sports...the bonding of teammates...hanging out in the dugout and locker room. I coach my sons b/c I'll never be closer to them than I am right now. I enjoy watching them hang out with their friends in that environment. That team bonding is truly unique to sports.

And it's a pretty special feeling to make a difference in a kid's life. Had a 12yo on my rec team this season get his first real hit after working his butt off for years trying to make it happen. He started crying at 1B...tears of joy. Can't really get those kinds of reactions anywhere else.
Coaching my daughter’s basketball team the last two years was pretty awesome. I’ll miss coaching her but otoh am interested to see how she does with a coach who knows wtf he/she is doing.
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