I am thinking about being a mormon so I can support BYU baseball.

If I'm IU, with the apparent options available, I'm taking McCollum all day. While obviously not the splashy hire they were originally hopeful for, dude is very clearly a basketball genius.

4 D2 Nattys & has won his conference 12 years in a row, pretty incredible.

Why the f was he stuck at NW State for so long?
Just guessing here, but alum that just started a family. Sure he made decent coin to support everything and it was comfortable for the fam. Kids probably out of HS or close to it now so time for dad to spread his wings.
-If we don't get Yaxel there are a couple of good options for the 4 in the portal.

-Austin Rapp from Portland (WCC Freshman of the Year); averaged 14/7/3 and shot a ton of 3s. Was 82/236 (35%). He had more 3 attempts than anyone on our roster and more makes than anyone but Brea. Good passer so we could initiate some offense through him. Decent shot blocker too and is 6-10.

-Reed Bailey from Davidson; a junior who averaged 19/6/4. He could initiate the offense like Amari as well but he doesn't shoot a ton of 3s (good percentage though/42%) but isn't very good defensively.
I'd take McCollum over DeVries, but not by much. Both of them are simply winners.

Having said that, the meltdown we'll see from IU fans if DD is the guy (or McCollum, for that matter) is gonna be fun. They always do this to themselves...convincing themselves that they're gonna be able to snag Brad Stevens, or Scott Drew, or some other elite-level coach from a high major or NBA job.

But the truth is, that just doesn't happen that much anymore.

- Louisville got Winthrop's coach
- Ours came from BYU
- Michigan's came from FAU
- Iowa State's came from UNLV
- Florida's came from San Francisco
- UConn's came from Rhode Island
- Texas Tech's came from North Texas
- Alabama's came from Buffalo

Because of salary increases and NIL, coaches just aren't as tempted to jump from one P4 job to another unless it's a huge step up. So honestly, DeVries might be the best they can reasonably do. They won't accept that, however. And that'll be the fun part to watch.
Mom texted me this pic last night asking who the player was after her sister had posted this the picture on Facebook…pretty damn cool.

Brea seems to have embraced his time here as much as anyone in awhile - you can see it every time he speaks. Special kid 🙂

I should have kept my mouth shut about my son, lesson learned. He's a good kid, on the spectrum, a little behind for his age but yeah he is afraid of driving, trying to get him used to it, I just couldn't believe he thought the brake and accelerator would be in different places on different cars but I guess if you only driven one car ever...( so you can EAD August)

My daughter has no excuse for taking this long but is finally ready and there's nowhere to sign for the road test at any place, east, west or Central KY, everything is listed as no availability.
Let him come along at his own pace. Don't worry about some on here, which is why I made it a point twice that I wasn't talking shit about your son. I figured he was scared to drive, but some kids now days are into games and other stuff so much, they put it off. My son, who is autistic, was very open and anxious to drive, was actually a pretty damn good go- kart racer. He got T-boned in a go- kart, has not drove one after that and it affected his desire to drive an automobile. Offer him encouragement, but do not force it, he will come around at his peril.
Can somebody explain to me WTF is going on at Wing Stop on Rich road?

And I hope Kansas buries Calipari.

Tennessee is more worried about seeing us again then we are them.

Can Butler stay healthy for 2 games?
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I should have kept my mouth shut about my son, lesson learned. He's a good kid, on the spectrum, a little behind for his age but yeah he is afraid of driving, trying to get him used to it, I just couldn't believe he thought the brake and accelerator would be in different places on different cars but I guess if you only driven one car ever...( so you can EAD August)

My daughter has no excuse for taking this long but is finally ready and there's nowhere to sign for the road test at any place, east, west or Central KY, everything is listed as no availability.

Well a little back story might have been nice. You made it sound like something completely different in regards to kids these days not taking the initiative to learn how to drive. So, i apologize about the crack towards your kid, but I won’t EAD.
If that UCLA job opens, is cal gonna sniff at it again?

Cal is at the best spot for him in all of college basketball.

BIG money donors, but football enough to be happy with his ways, and by ways I mean winning enough to be talked about but not winning when it matters.
Anyone read this yet?

We MUST beat Troy. Have to. If we lose, all the good Pope has done is vanquished. My biggest fear is becoming Indiana...the fans still care but nobody else does. This NCAAT is more about staying relevant than it is winning the thing. I'm pretty sure Pope is the guy but it's time to knuckle tf up.

Also - F Tommy G. Are you still some kind of lobbyist or did Elon can your pathetic ass? Loser.
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Didn’t have the random Tommy hate on my bingo card, can’t even remember the last time I saw the guy post here (or in person, for that matter).
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I’ve often wondered how people who are genuine fans of shitty small conference random teams make it through life. What a miserable GD existence to just hope one day your team has a single great year and you go to the tournament and maybe win a game.

Like, who the f*ck is living and dying in mid-January on Denver or Central Arkansas? God bless those people.
So, I had a long conversation about this with some co-workers. A few were NC-State fans/grads too. Its a weird thing, but they seem almost "free" from the constant effing stress and disappointment of their teams. They don't plan things around their team like we do things with UK. I work with a ton of UT football fans (and basketball), and by and large, people from other states/schools that aren't big into either football or basketball generally look at us like we're off our rocker.

There have been times I wish I grew up in that situation when a random SEC game gives me a damn seething aneurysm, but then I remember how much joy and just straight up shit-talking that being a UK grad and fan has brought me and have no regrets. My wife is from SF by way of LA and she doesn't get it at all even with UCLA, Lakers, Giants, Niners, etc all in the area...none of her family is big into it except one of her brothers that lives and breaths SF Giants baseball.
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Anyone else have teens in the middle of Dart Wars right now? My wife almost got shot (with a nerf) last night taking out the garbage because the teens staking out my house thought she was my daughter. I told her to take it as a compliment.
It was water guns here. Mercifully, it appears to be over.