I’ll sleep fine. Now, if we’d lost . . . .
Ironically, had A&M missed that last layup and we'd gotten the rebound and won I'd probably be pissed about us letting them back in the game. But damn, how can you be mad about anything after that Oweh shot. He cooked two guys who were double-teaming him, and then he beat the help defender too!
On Williams I’d have to guess once we got up 12 Pope thought to save him for tomorrow.

Not that we don’t have plans past tomorrow but I’d guess minutes wise tomorrow is going to be a whole different ball game.

Also teams that have had a game and are going into that 2nd game in row played well and it wasn’t jus the SEC but across every conference seemingly.

Tomorrow is going to be LONG!!!!
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Poor coaching on OU's part. I would have double teamed Oweh on the inbounds and tried to get the ball in Chandler's hands. WTF were they letting Oweh catch it clean for?
- Currently in a classroom after about 3 hours sleep.
- I can't even process what just happened (talking about the bradyj meltdown)
- Left right before the under 4 timeout because I thought we would put that thing on ice and I had to get 2 teenagers home for school today.
- Fell asleep around 1:30 local time. Up at 5. No half day for me. I'm a man! I'm over 40!
- Let's do it again tonight!!!

"After Midnight" by Eric Clapton (slow version) put it on a loop.