"then gotta turn around and play on Tuesday or Wednesday' - at least he realizes he's 1st 4 material. 🤡
The last 5 years of the Cal era felt like 20 yearsThe Cal Era feels like it was 10 years ago.
Cal won the SEC 6 of the 15 years he was here.
Less than our historical average. Pitino and Smith both won at a .500 rate and UK wasn't even eligible Rick's first two seasons.
Why not throw up a prayer and not care about getting the rebound? Just haul anus in the opposite direction as soon as the ball is in the air?I know nobody cares about DrakeBasketballsucka, but some of the articles I've read about Ben McCollum are fascinating. They are absolutely insistent on not taking bad shots, to the point where they'll take a shot clock violation rather than force up a bad one. They turn it over on 20 percent of possessions for that very reason. And the reason is that he knows that a bad shot likely leads to a run-out, and he doesn't have the athletes to slow down a team in transition. At least with a shot clock violation, they have time to set up their defense.
I don't think I'd ever heard a coach say that sort of thing, and I've certainly thought of that principle.
Why not throw up a prayer and not care about getting the rebound? Just haul anus in the opposite direction as soon as the ball is in the air?
I'd at least try it and compare results. Probably late for that this season, but maybe in October.
Jesus, Wayne.I absolutely love marketing. Not saying I'm good at it, but I find it really interesting and I wish we could take bets on what works and what doesn't. Which brings me to the Angel Reese meal deal. It's a Bacon quarter pounder with cheese with BBQ sauce + fries and a drink.
I've got no issue with Angel Reese and I appreciate her QPC game. That said, I've never met a woman who ordered a BBQ bacon cheeseburger. Not the most feminine order out there, and it's probably too big for young girls. But at the same time, how many teenage boys or young men want to order an "Angel Reese" or any "woman's meal" for lunch? It's like ordering the "Lady Filet" at a steakhouse - kind of emasculating even if you're really just not that hungry.
So I'll be interested to see if we can get any insights whether McD's hit their sales target with this.
I haven't watched Drake but if 20% of your possessions are shot clock violations I have a hard time believing you are running an effective offense.
Sounds sort of like a modern version on the 4 corners offense.Twenty percent of their possessions end in turnovers. Included in that are shot clock violations.
It's not the offense I would want for my favorite team, but the dude just wins, so he's got that going for him.
Happy National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day
I’ve been dying for someone to point this out.Happy National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day
Console the students by telling them that "statistics show 75% of you won't amount to much anyway, so don't worry about it."ACT testing today, gang. Don't worry, I'm giving a practice one to freshmen. Apparently, the ACT website has crashed nationwide. We can't access on-line stuff for our Pre-ACT testing regulations, but for now the Jrs who have to take the real thing today (my daughter included), aren't being affected here . . . yet.
However, I've seen districts in LA, TN, MO, and KY report trouble. Many students coming in today trying to get scholarships and college acceptance. To have that on your plate ant then the website just crash . . . Anyway, down with on-line tests. Back to paper! Kill the trees and sea-turtles, regardless of what Starbucks says.
Absolutely unacceptable.
I’d probably add in, “But no matter what you do, don’t go to law school.”Console the students by telling them that "statistics show 75% of you won't amount to much anyway, so don't worry about it."
I'm picturing patchouli and armpit hair, as far as the eye can see.So…this French feminist rally/march is something, huh?
I can promise you don’t want to google videos/photos (looking at you, pti).
I'm picturing patchouli and armpit hair, as far as the eye can see.
I'm one year away from retirement. This message is received daily along with UCL's (Max's?) general nihilistic approach to everyday living.Console the students by telling them that "statistics show 75% of you won't amount to much anyway, so don't worry about it."