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Well Disney isn’t wrong. I have YouTube TV and really like it but the only thing at all I watch live on it are sports. Anything else is recorded. Plus, I already have Hulu as well so it would just be canceling YouTube and saving money either way. Won’t be canceling until this season of Yellowstone is finished though, I do know that.
Oh my God pale people during a Kentucky winter? And out of shape people working out at a gym?

Thankfully you gained the confidence you apparently needed from the experience, rogue!
^That's exactly what I would expect a fat, pale person to say.

Well pal, if you didn’t wait until you were obese to start working out it wouldn’t be a problem now would it?

And yeah I get WHY people are pale, it’s just a shock to the ol eyeballs.

Good point PTI and I did say before this was basically a soccer mom gym. The fact that they do pizza parties is hilarious and so backwards. How about a smoothie party? A veggie tray with no ranch. Maybe a spinach eating contest?
Keep in mind if you live in/near a city where a network has an affiliate, you can buy a cheap over-the-air digital antenna on Amazon and get all the networks. If you’re within like 10 miles of the transmission towers, you can get one for 15 dollars or something. A 25 mile antenna is still pretty cheap. Just connect it to the back of your tv and set it next to it.

Old school, yes. But worth remembering that the networks carry a lot of sports and it is all free and easy. Plus, the janky little antenna adds character to the room.
Rogue - We go down to the keys every year and stay at Venture Out in Cudjoe Key (in-laws have a place).

Can get a little cramped, but it’s a perfect little spot.
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Yep, but all we have to do is take 2 minutes to cancel YTTV and restart Hulu. You want to switch it takes 3 days returning boxes and remote all over town.

It was hilarious when I showed Richie what streaming looked like and watching him realize it was exactly like cable only better.

I stream on my Roku tv for outside viewing. Fully aware of how it works, AJ.

I’ll gladly pay 115.00 per month to AT&T U-VERSE for high speed fiber internet and cable for my main viewing inside.
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I didn’t shame anyone (except SAE). I just said I was surprised. I’m actually VERY encouraging to anyone that starts exercising and improving themselves. People/friends ask me how and what to do all the time and I love giving them helpful info. It’s actually the easiest/best thing you can do for yourself health wise instead of just having the doctor give you some more pills.

I’ll get into my business venture more once I sign the contract for the new dwelling (moving up the Keys a bit, done with the party/coke/late night scene I currently have to deal with). Ready for some peace and quiet. It’s actually going to be close to Cudjoe @cat_chaser .

Unfortunately it is not weed sales. Those places go out of business down there way too often. Everyone gets their license to stay legit in the eyes of the law and then buys from their local guy who is cheaper and just as good as the stores.

Plus, brick and mortar ANYWHERE close to downtown you’re looking at a 10-50K/month lease. Touch that. I’ll be working out of my house.
I stream on my Roku tv for outside viewing. Fully aware of how it works, AJ.

I’ll gladly pay 115.00 per month to AT&T U-VERSE for high speed fiber internet and cable for my main viewing inside.
Are you aware that AT&T sold Uverse and are pushing people away from it?
If you want to go to a gym with better equipment and an emphasis on staring at yourself, you go to any gym other than Planet Fitness. Lord have mercy. PF clientele are in there to stay healthy, that’s it, not to be around meatheads, and that’s a totally reasonable thing to ask for in a gym.

The only mirrors in my gym are in the bathroom and I’m so pale I reflect the sun. My favorite thing in the world is to see gym noobs getting after it and I won’t hear a bad word about the January 1 crowd. Bring ‘em in and power to em.
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I stream on my Roku tv for outside viewing. Fully aware of how it works, AJ.

I’ll gladly pay 115.00 per month to AT&T U-VERSE for high speed fiber internet and cable for my main viewing inside.
Uverse isn't an option here, and won't be an option in Louisville much longer. It's also more than $115, even with the new subscription discount.
How long has Rogue been in Florida, 5 years ? And he is SHOCKED to see pale Kentuckians in the winter ? I mean you are from Kentucky and visit quite frequently, why so surprised ? I would ASSUME your parents are not tanned out and are on the pale side, No ?

Surely to GOD with all of the bragging about the great SS Minnow he purchased, one can only think it will be a charter business, last I heard (read 1000 times on here), he was raking as JUST a side venture making 3 times what most make in GYERO just doing charters with that amazing vessel he pretty much stole from some poor fool, only to sink about $10K in it weeks after purchasing ? I can believe EVERYTHING is roses in the Floridians life just based on this one investment, and all of his GREAT evenings spent with his "Buddies" / co-tenants. Scoot Scoot rental company maybe ?

*LOL, cord cutters are really saving money, WOW.

The little digital TV antennas are a very good investment. For my TV in the garage ( I have just for when I am outside enjoying a Marlboro 72 Ultra Light), I watch it and have a little "Smart TV" brand digital antenna. It is about 4 inches tall and 1 inch in diameter and I get like 35 channels with it. Local NBC, Fox, CBS, ABC, Laugh. Grit, Crime TV, and even get Stadium. I also get the CBS out of Nashville and several other channels, absolutely FREE. Spent about $15 on the antenna.

*And missing out of seeing programming they really wanted to view. What a savings, I SHOULD pull the cord and dump my Satellite provider so I to can miss ESPN programming right in the middle of a game.
Oh no skin tone and fat shamed by the seasonal employee renter from the Keys. Christmas is ruined.
I love how you always say seasonal. KW is the opposite of seasonal. It’s non stop anymore, but solid try. This isn’t St. Thomas or the BVIs waiting for the yacthies to come in palbut you wouldn’t know the difference now would you.

Also, again, my rent is more than your mortgage so don’t act like I couldn’t pay for sinkhole.

-Why no mirrors @pretzel__logic ? I think they’re very handy for watching your form on many different lifts. I definitely use them to make sure my bum shoulder isn’t out of line.

And to be fair, I’m used to a bunch of tan people geared to the gills so yeah it’s different.

And I get it at PF, it’s not made for bodybuilding types, but it’s free with my insurance so that’s wear I go. Plus the hydromassage at the end is 🔥.

-Been in the Keys for a decade but solid try, aka 1/4 of my life.

-And I agree overly tan is yuck. There are some really good looking girls that start working on boats and get way too dark and you’re like wear a UV shirt/hat/buff/etc please! My ex worked on a parasail boy and was super dark, she eventually quit because she wanted to get out of the sun. Now she is a firefighter, she may also be looking for a gf.
How did you get started pretzel?
I was a cardio bunny for years and terrified to gain any weight, and then started going to a trainer to lift with my aunt. Found out that even though I was tragically born without any hand-eye coordination, I had brute strength and realized that was pretty cool. I ended up dating the trainer (lol whoops, what a cliche). I dumped him but kept the lifting and eventually ended up at a gym run by a guy who ran powerlifting meets and told me I should give it a shot. Roughly 35 lbs of body weight I had to scrape and claw to gain and now eight competitions later, here we are 🤣
"my rent is more than your mortgage" is kind of a weird flex.
It’s not a flex, it’s just responding to him calling me a renter. I don’t get the problem with renting. I can up and leave whenever I want and don’t have to fix anything that breaks. If I lived in KY, I too would own a nice house without a problem paying for it. Just funny coming from a guy that has zero idea what he’s talking about in regards to where I live vs where he does.
Other than being a tacky statement did I miss the GYERO page where everyone said their home price, interest rate, and terms? How the hell would you know if your rent is more than anyones mortgage?

What a disgusting, shitty, dreary winter day. Would be amazing being in Vegas to watch the cats beat UNC
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