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Not sure there is any point in my life, even the lowest ones, that I would be jelly of an old dude putting on a college sweater trying to run game in a dive bar in f'ing Ohio.
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Not sure there is any point in my life, even the lowest ones, that I would be jelly of an old dude putting on a college sweater trying to run game in a dive bar in f'ing Ohio.

It’s amazing how obtuse some of you are. It’s never gotten better over the years. I’m not referring to that particular situation. I’m referring to the general disdain towards a guy who absolutely dominated college football for as long as he did.
Not sure I follow, Wayne. You're upset everyone isn't sucking Meyer's dick because he won some football games once upon a time?

He's 0-4 and just got caught looking like Larry Vaught in an Ohio dive bar. What exactly should anyone be jealous of? He's got a lot of money, an uppity unattractive wife and he can't get laid in a Jags shirt?
Not sure I follow, Wayne. You're upset everyone isn't sucking Meyer's dick because he won some football games once upon a time?

He's 0-4 and just got caught looking like Larry Vaught in an Ohio dive bar. What exactly should anyone be jealous of? He's got a lot of money, an uppity unattractive wife and he can't get laid in a Jags shirt?
Dude, I am f’d up at the beach and even know Wayne sucks man. He’s like the Littleton Ward of GYERO.
I think you're participating in the wrong argument. Lets focus on the "Zach Smith's wife probably deserved it" take.

I didn't say she deserved it. I was asking a question to the board as to whether or not it was confirmed that his wife was also a psycho. I thought there was a lot of stuff that came out showcasing that she wasn't purely a damsel in distress.
I went to elementary/middle school with Zach Smith and HS with his ex-wife. Fun fact.
First thing Zach Smith ever told me on the 5th grade bus was that Earle Bruce was his grandfather. Dude was a narcissistic ass since birth.
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I will always be in the “you shouldn’t necessarily fire somebody for domestic violence” camp. That’s not a defense of domestic violence. That’s a defense of the woman, who usually sticks with the husband, not also getting punished financially for what her husband did.
"We can't fire him, sweetie. You wouldn't like that now, would you? Seeing your husband lose his job after all these years because he threw you down a flight of stairs, or maybe raised his hand after one too many down at the corner? No... that wouldn't be good for you or the kids, now would it? You've got to think of them in all this! What's best for them? Now... let's forget this ever happened, and let's all try to be better next time, okay?"

Here you go, Wayne.

I will always be in the “you shouldn’t necessarily fire somebody for domestic violence” camp. That’s not a defense of domestic violence. That’s a defense of the woman, who usually sticks with the husband, not also getting punished financially for what her husband did.
That's the oddest perspective I believe I've ever read. On any topic.
“Oh, Mrs Rice, you decided to stay with Ray. But now you’re staying with him while you’re $10M poorer.”
Does not firing domestic abusers because it's poor financial planning make the manifesto, Wayne?
I think at the end of the day I personally wouldn’t like working with someone who beats his wife as I wouldn’t respect him and wouldn’t value his opinion since he’s a piece of shit. The other workers at the organization, especially other females, would likely also share this opinion. That might also be part of the equation youre glossing over, Wayne.
What about about a spouse who goes to jail? What about the kids in that situation? Or is that something that is more about being poor and less privileged.
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