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I don’t work tomorrow so on my way home I bought 50 dollars worth of pumpkin beers and a 30 dollar scratch off. Won 40 but the daydreaming of what to do with your winnings is priceless. I didn’t win the 10million I dreamed of.

Pumking > Spicy Atomic pumpkin (with jalapeño!) > Shiner peach > Platform Yammy

My MIL got her weed card. F*ck yes. Already received my 30 Wana watermelon sativa gummies and the Sativa vape is *chefs kiss*

Thursday night NFL is awesome when you don’t have shit to do Friday
I don’t work tomorrow so on my way home I bought 50 dollars worth of pumpkin beers and a 30 dollar scratch off. Won 40 but the daydreaming of what to do with your winnings is priceless. I didn’t win the 10million I dreamed of.

Pumking > Spicy Atomic pumpkin (with jalapeño!) > Shiner peach > Platform Yammy

My MIL got her weed card. F*ck yes. Already received my 30 Wana watermelon sativa gummies and the Sativa vape is *chefs kiss*

Thursday night NFL is awesome when you don’t have shit to do Friday

I believe Schafly’s in the best pumpkin beer with Pumking second. Big drop after those two so keep it right, keep it tight.
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The pumpkin beers being available in late July pretty much ruined them for me.

Just as I stepped into Lowe’s last Sunday to pick up some charcoal, and there’s goddamned ho-ho’s and fake Christmas trees everywhere? In September. Ha - wtf.

In any event I found an 8% pumpkin beer and bought a lot of it. Gets me drunk. Forget what it’s called.
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Hubers Honey finish 112 proof got me drunk today too!

2 early, 3 late. I’ll pass out soon but my dudes bday went good. However 80 Proof is dead on that grass fed cows do not make for good brisket!
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The pumpkin beers being available in late July pretty much ruined them for me.

Just as I stepped into Lowe’s last Sunday to pick up some charcoal, and there’s goddamned ho-ho’s and fake Christmas trees everywhere? In September. Ha - wtf.

In any event I found an 8% pumpkin beer and bought a lot of it. Gets me drunk. Forget what it’s called.

I get it but anything that gets me thinking about fall and out of the dogshit July/August nonsense is fine to me.

Oh and who dey
No, no man. That’s the wrong mindset. July is too early man.

Hell, Bell’s Oberon will be on the shelves in two months. Get ready for spring.
  • Bengals about to put it on them
  • California's homeless issue is not quite as bad as they make it, but it's more widespread than I expected. I thought I was going to be dodging human feces in the streets of SF (I didn't), but I never expected to see tents set up outside of neighborhoods in places like Folsom, CA. It would probably be easier to solve if they were just in the cities.
  • They do need to solve it though; downtown Sacramento looked like Hill Valley Back to the Future Part II in Biff's Alternate Universe. Would have been a pretty nice little downtown too if it weren't for vagrants and trash everywhere.
  • Heading to Portland; I know you'll be on the edge of your seat re: my upcoming "is Antifa really a big deal there" update.
  • The "Great Resignation" that's going on in corporate America is nuts right now, and it seems to be accelerating. The Q is: is the move to jump ship and get a bump in pay / title? Or is it better to hang on and be the last man standing? I'll let you know on Monday.
  • Some of you all dream about winning $10M from a lottery ticket, I dream about beating Florida on Saturday. Man, what would my life be like if that happened? Still really good I guess. But for a few days, extra good!
80 Proof is dead on that grass fed cows do not make for good brisket!
Tenderloin and ground beef from grass-fed are way better than corn fed IMO, loin cuts are great as well. Rib and chuck are okay. Everything else from grass-fed is better off being ground.
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Did someone legitimately just ask if a lawyer was legally allowed to commit a crime, then just drop a “hey, it’s attorney-client privilege?”

Jesus H Christ.
Hubers Honey finish 112 proof got me drunk today too!

2 early, 3 late. I’ll pass out soon but my dudes bday went good. However 80 Proof is dead on that grass fed cows do not make for good brisket!
Starlight has a pretty dope program going on. Lots of exotic finishing. The Sherry finished cask strength Bourbon is very good.
Quick hitters as I work from home this morning:
  • Black coffee from the Ratio8 in my Biscuit Belly mug, espresso to follow.
  • AL Wildcard race is nuts.
  • ‘Hah. I’m David Stockton.’
  • I miss Charleston
  • Would kill to be out at Keeneland 😪
  • SoloStove Yukon loaded up, full assortment of beverages, mums planted in pots - power K flags wafting in breeze... tonight it gets real🔥
  • Bryson in LD finals?
  • Marcus King Band on Monday night
  • Steven Raichlin’s Gulf Coast shrimp to marinate this evening too. Grits, Parmesan biscuits for Sat.
  • I love hoops, but FB is the life of the party.
  • UK 27 UF 17.
  • Dentist yesterday. I unleashed my mouth from 6-months of religious flossing. Hygienist was impressed with home care with exception of one spot which I religiously missed.👎🏻
  • 5 tix into BTAC raffle. Local Indian dude selling WLW for a smooth $2000. Nope.
  • Apple picking Sunday in Warwick NY
Friday was set to be easy. Pull a pool permit, order some gravel and slide around a few job sites then grab lunch and call it a day.

Instead this stupid delivery driver took a pallet of interior doors and slammed them busting every single jamb on a 20 door order, chipping the porch pebbled concrete, and then proceeded to drag the 16’ trim boards across the porch too ruining the trim and leaving tracks on the busted porch.

So I spent an hour getting my ass ripped just for the trucking company we outsource to to pretend they aren’t at fault.

Its f’ing war time!
-biscuit belly coming to Lexington. Going in the old a&w on main street spot. Menu looks ridiculous. Walked by the one in nulu a while back...line out the door, I don't do lines so didn't try it.

-residential delivery drivers are awful...minus whale use a dump truck.
That place has cheddar tots, like a finer dining version Tolly Ho's, and I can report first hand that you must add those to any order. The biscuit I had was fried chicken with pimento, and I also endorse that biscuit sandwich.
The BB in StMatts had no line at the same time the NULU one was crammed.

they had a gravy sampler too that was dope. Mushroom, red eye and sausage. 🫀💀
- No line for breakfast food can be more ridiculous than Eggslut in the Cosmo. Every morning there was a Midnight Madness tent city wait formed as far as the eye could see. I'm sure it's great but eff waiting an hour or more hungover for a gussied up Egg McMuffin.

- Britney. Called it with the snarks as soon as her IG resurfaced. Cool little reel dk shared of Kindly this am though.

- Dog-sitting a buddies golden for a week and looking forward to getting reacquainted with Seneca park. Great time of year to casually stroll the area.

- Shipped a bottle of EW12 red label to a firm in North Carolina. Had that thing packed tighter than a fresh can of Kodiak. Waited well over a week, never got a 'thank you' call. Checked UPS this morning, undeliverable - damaged package.

Turbo false, some squidneck shook that thing up until they "damaged" it, so they could commandeer the contraband :mad:
Eggslut is ridic, but yeah, the line is always disheartening. No telling how many times I've walked up there knowing what was gonna happen, saw it, then made the healthy choice at Juice Standard instead.

-Hope SAE continues to rant about 'family' stuff for a few minutes on the Pod - that's when he's at his best, that opening had me cackling - hopefully wife got a kick out of it as well.

The gambol parts really bring home just how much I love it, pretty much dead on how I feel each and every day. No clue how some of you sports lovers don't at least dabble in it, it's just the best.

Was legit gritting my teeth waiting to be slammed for my Louisville Team Total jinx text when we had 31 points in the 2Q. /dumbass 😰

Keep going, doggie.
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Britney posting nudes is about a decade too late, but I’m not gonna look a gift sloot in the mouth.

And on that note, how far would a chick like that have to fall before you lose interest in waxing? Like if it’s her, or some chick you worshipped in college? There’s just a certain amount of sexual equity that sticks with girls well past their prime.
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-SEC this Morning talking about the Cats being a PO contender if we pull the win. Shew. I'm going to be a wreck by 5:45p tomorrow. Feeling more confident today. We are cleaning up the mistakes this week.

-What a slate tomorrow. I'm not sure one extry TV is enough.

-How much would it cost to get China to produce epic thunderstorms all Sunday?

-Grab a shitty lite beer and cheers to Uncle Joe today. Laying him to rest in a bit.

-What a lineup for that halftime show. This isn't a live concert at the Burl. This is a highly produced made for TV show. It'll be amazing. Plus, Kendrick will have a few new hits before then.

-New Meateater season dropped on NF yesterday. Caint wait to catch up while drinking some bourbon.

-Only chance at Eggslut is/was LATE night. Not sure if they're even open at that time anymore. But a bacon egg and cheese, sausage egg and cheese, mexican coke. That'll help keep the hangover in check. Also, FAT!!

-Started "What If", thanks for the response dickheads, not too bad. Kills 30-40 minutes while on the bike.

-"I think Bryson's proven that" 🤣

-biscuit belly coming to Lexington. Going in the old a&w on main street spot. Menu looks ridiculous. Walked by the one in nulu a while back...line out the door, I don't do lines so didn't try it.

It's just ok, imo. Definitely doesn't live up to the menu, in my lone experience...but i went within first few months of opening, maybe they've gotten it together. Found the biscuit itself very marginal for a restaurant that does nothing else.

Also got delivery, which likely lessened the quality a good bit as well.
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Yesterday my father-in-law sent me a message that I should be expecting a letter from his attorney. He’s suing me for defamation of character, due to me calling him a “hall of fame loser” on Facebook this week. If you were wondering, yes that’s the same guy who called into KSR during quarantine last spring and said he was immune to covid since he’s worked around Mexicans his whole life.

Was nice knowing you guys. enjoy your freedoms, they can be taken so fast.
Not sure if he’s contesting the “loser”
part or the “hall of fame” part, tbh. Really I was paying him a compliment. Just hope he actually sent the screenshot to his attorneys.
- Eggslut was the only restaurant we targeted on our trip that we didn't hit up. After seeing the place (and the line) in person, no biggie.

- BB looks similar to Biscuit Love down in the Nashville area, which was fine, but this place looks better.

- How impressive has Luke Fortner been? Moves positions and doesn't miss a beat. What a rock.

- Really like these "The Program" CBB previews on The Athletic. So well done.

- The worst thing about Thursday night football is Buck/Aikman. And the matchups. But mainly Buck/Aikman. Still, as Chad said, it's more enjoyable on Thursday night than Sunday/Monday, with a work week looming.

- Rax, maybe one of the GYERO attorneys can help you hide out in a Florida swamp?
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Biscuit Belly is a tad overrated, especially given the usual wait times. But since Boujie Biscuit packed up and left town, I guess it's what we have for now.
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