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Richie worries way too much about other men.

Related: he posted a FB Story from his couch relaxing late one Fri/Sat recently watching Top Gun, and he was wearing dress jeans, tucked in oxford, belt, and loafs - basically just as you would imagine -- dude is a trip.

That was Suter in the InstaStory, doggy.

We had been out all afternoon and into the evening at West 6th and Ten20 brewery m. Came back and ordered some delivery food.

Yes, I had on jeans, button down, 1/4 zip and casual driving loafs. My apologies if I didn’t go out wearing sweats and a hoodie.
There are two types of men
1) Those who can grow a good beard
2) Those who cannot

Category 2 spends an awful lot of time hating on category 1. It's okay, dudes. The categories tend to correlate with who actually looks good with facial hair versus who looks better clean-shaven anyway.

Admittedly I don't think I've ever dated any dude who didn't have a beard. Can confirm none of them had poop on their faces, though.
JR is doing great. Kinda like a little lapdog right now. I got the dad double last night. He looked up at me with a little twinkle in his eye, and dropped a full on man fart. Went to change him a little too soon, got the legs up in the air and the volcano blew...after I got that cleaned up, then the sprinklers came on...rookie mistake.

This is for all of you expecting fathers and fathers of newborns. Starting at the 5 minute mark is how I expected the good Doc reacted.

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I’ve never had gnocchi so what makes it so good? .... they usually have something on the menu way better than gnocchi.


Dallas McGarity here does the best gnocchi I've ever had -- formerly of Theater Square Marketplace, and now The Fat Lamb, only menu item he brought over. Best burger in town, as well.

Bad/marginal gnocchi is starchy & heavy - when done right it's just pillowy perfection. Pretty wide spectrum between meh & unreal, not unlike Risotto as Anth mentioned.
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Gnocchi completely mystified my better half last week. Could not wrap his head around it being a potato pillow that looks kind of like pasta.

for quick at home gnocchi...trader's joe's sweet potato gnocchi is delightful.
Dunno doggy - just been one of the better chefs in town for the 20 years I've lived here...and gnocchi is his signature dish everywhere he's been - just passing along a solid rec.

-Speaking of Food -- Louisville has gone from zero, to about 15 'Cajun/Crab/Seafood' boil spots in the last year or so. Kinda weird. There are 3 that have opened within 3 miles of my house in the last 6 months alone.
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-Big difference between too lazy to shave and an actual beard. Too many live in between the lines and that's just a sloppy look IMO. I've absolutely allowed myself to get a little lazy this year at home, and then I come to and realize I look like shit. Grew a for real beard for a bit but just didn't like it. Not my look.

-March >>>> February. Grief.

-Yea, anyone could have done that, Adrian. /rolleyes

-Worked out in a gym this morning for the first time since last March. I'm 6 lbs heavier year over year but feels like 20. Worst shape Ive ever been in but my comeback starts now. Big year with my little bro's wedding and I'm not going to be the fat one.

-Guess what I'm saying is this quarantine has been hard on ol SAE.

-House windows open. #blessed
I have a beard to cover my stupid f*cking face, and I won't be apologizing for it. We all work with what we have, unless you just don't give a shit about your appearance. I've honestly never one time in my life given a single shit about another man's beard or no beard, and I can't imagine having a strong opinion on it.

<-----Richie should we send our pics directly to your cell to make sure our chest hair is trimmed properly? Also, can you confirm fashionable ball hair length? TIA.
Still going on my absurd pushup challenge with my brother-in-law. Our other buddy had to drop out due to a shoulder injury. 64 today. I'm guessing it's going to get quite difficult around the 150 mark, and December is going to be an absolute bitch doing over 300 a day.
Still going on my absurd pushup challenge with my brother-in-law. Our other buddy had to drop out due to a shoulder injury. 64 today. I'm guessing it's going to get quite difficult around the 150 mark, and December is going to be an absolute bitch doing over 300 a day.
Good way to get jacked, though. Is that consecutively or with breaks?
Good way to get jacked, though. Is that consecutively or with breaks?

I'll be honest, I'm not strong enough to do them consecutively. Right now I'm doing 40, then resting for about a minute and then doing the rest. Eventually, I'll likely need to do sets of 50 or 100 throughout the day. I don't know that I'll ever be man enough to just rip out 300 at one time without a short break.
I’m directly in the too lazy to shave category and to be honest I don’t really grow a good beard, either. That said I spend most of my time in a dingy workshop, ripping heaters and crushing Busch Lights. Unless I’m doing a house call, at which point I’ll run the trimmer through it, gotta look somewhat professional.
I'll be honest, I'm not strong enough to do them consecutively. Right now I'm doing 40, then resting for about a minute and then doing the rest. Eventually, I'll likely need to do sets of 50 or 100 throughout the day. I don't know that I'll ever be man enough to just rip out 300 at one time without a short break.

So 66,795 pushups per year?
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There is a thread on HOB praising the job Justus is doing...I feel like it was started to troll Richie.

Started by the same guy that dropped the **inside information** that Clarke is 100% leaving. Well worth the 100 bucks a month, or whatever it is they charge me every year.
300 consecutive pushups? Lol wtf no

I can grow a beard in like 3 days but I have developed a little gray corner patch so hell no, need to hang on to my youth as long as possible. I will say it seems late 20s/early 30s females seem to really like the beard, meaning they’ve been poisoned by the hipsters they grew up with

Tuesday’s are my day off so outside of punishing GYERO by posting more it’s also my gym day. I don’t know what it is I think I’m accomplishing by working out hard one day a week but I can tell you it’s not much. The 40s are gonna be rough if I can’t get at least 3 days in a week.
I'll be honest, I'm not strong enough to do them consecutively. Right now I'm doing 40, then resting for about a minute and then doing the rest. Eventually, I'll likely need to do sets of 50 or 100 throughout the day. I don't know that I'll ever be man enough to just rip out 300 at one time without a short break.
Maybe not 300 in a go by December, but a year of daily pushups will build some pretty impressive endurance for the movement. I have accessories programmed as "100 in as few sets as possible" that usually turn into 4x25, so you could always break it up that way. The first couple sets will feel too easy, but by the end you'll be hoofin' it--but not so much you have horrific form breakdown.
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-Speaking of Food -- Louisville has gone from zero, to about 15 'Cajun/Crab/Seafood' boil spots in the last year or so. Kinda weird. There are 3 that have opened within 3 miles of my house in the last 6 months alone.

I’ll stay quiet about gnocchi as I was impressed way beyond what I’d have expected.

But this post will not go unnoticed here. Details and recs? I’m over there regularly for a few reasons, and looking for another.

Do not hold out on Cajun cuisine! You’ve been warned.
I've been wanting to hit up The Seafood Lady here in Lexington. I've heard nothing but good things from Louisville and Lex peeps that have been. I absolutely love seafood, but rarely get to eat it since the better half doesn't like it.

Going to a family reunion fish fry this weekend 😍
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Already mentioned it on the Twitter, but a bonus was standing in front of Tom Hammond and his wife in line at one point. Couldn't have been nicer. Talked for 15 minutes about broadcasting, the Olympics, etc, the old Jefferson-Pilot days, etc. One of the all-time underrated greats on the mic. A real thrill for ol' KL.

- Really disappointed that I missed that Michigan/OSU game, though. Sounds like a classic.

OK, this is a bizarre coincidence. My wife took her dad there on Sunday (2:20 appointment) and said they also stood in front of Tom* Hammond and his wife, and talked with them. She must have been right in front of you.
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They were a few folks back from us in the outside queue, but once we worked our way into the concourse, they ended up right behind us.

Small world.
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Clarke can GTFO right now as far I'm concerned. We are just now starting to gel a little bit, and all but guaranteed him coming back now would screw things up.
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