I mean, I get it.Max, I was thinking over the weekend about that kinda mean thing I said to you last week, and upon reflection, I still want you to get pumped, just not as vigorously as I did before.
If we’re talking masculinity...
Properly trimmed chest hair >>>> Facial hair.
Is this what you’re looking for in a guy?If we’re talking masculinity...
Properly trimmed chest hair >>>> Facial hair.
Going to need to clarify this one.If we’re talking masculinity...
Properly trimmed chest hair >>>> Facial hair.
Richie worries way too much about other men.
Related: he posted a FB Story from his couch relaxing late one Fri/Sat recently watching Top Gun, and he was wearing dress jeans, tucked in oxford, belt, and loafs - basically just as you would imagine -- dude is a trip.
JR is doing great. Kinda like a little lapdog right now. I got the dad double last night. He looked up at me with a little twinkle in his eye, and dropped a full on man fart. Went to change him a little too soon, got the legs up in the air and the volcano blew...after I got that cleaned up, then the sprinklers came on...rookie mistake.
I’ve never had gnocchi so what makes it so good? .... they usually have something on the menu way better than gnocchi.
Good way to get jacked, though. Is that consecutively or with breaks?Still going on my absurd pushup challenge with my brother-in-law. Our other buddy had to drop out due to a shoulder injury. 64 today. I'm guessing it's going to get quite difficult around the 150 mark, and December is going to be an absolute bitch doing over 300 a day.
Good way to get jacked, though. Is that consecutively or with breaks?
I'll be honest, I'm not strong enough to do them consecutively. Right now I'm doing 40, then resting for about a minute and then doing the rest. Eventually, I'll likely need to do sets of 50 or 100 throughout the day. I don't know that I'll ever be man enough to just rip out 300 at one time without a short break.
There is a thread on HOB praising the job Justus is doing...I feel like it was started to troll Richie.
Maybe not 300 in a go by December, but a year of daily pushups will build some pretty impressive endurance for the movement. I have accessories programmed as "100 in as few sets as possible" that usually turn into 4x25, so you could always break it up that way. The first couple sets will feel too easy, but by the end you'll be hoofin' it--but not so much you have horrific form breakdown.I'll be honest, I'm not strong enough to do them consecutively. Right now I'm doing 40, then resting for about a minute and then doing the rest. Eventually, I'll likely need to do sets of 50 or 100 throughout the day. I don't know that I'll ever be man enough to just rip out 300 at one time without a short break.
-Speaking of Food -- Louisville has gone from zero, to about 15 'Cajun/Crab/Seafood' boil spots in the last year or so. Kinda weird. There are 3 that have opened within 3 miles of my house in the last 6 months alone.
So 66,795 pushups per year?
Already mentioned it on the Twitter, but a bonus was standing in front of Tom Hammond and his wife in line at one point. Couldn't have been nicer. Talked for 15 minutes about broadcasting, the Olympics, etc, the old Jefferson-Pilot days, etc. One of the all-time underrated greats on the mic. A real thrill for ol' KL.
- Really disappointed that I missed that Michigan/OSU game, though. Sounds like a classic.