Chad quoting RCTs from Nature... š and right before I hang up the cleats. Still got me for 1 more week.
I mean, he's kinda right, that we didn't know FOR SURE if it reduced transmission, but conventional wisdom says, less symptoms, less hospitals, less spread. Transmission wasn't really studied because they were only focused on keeping people out of hospitals and death. Which is how this all started, IIRC. We all know that's not good enough for people looking for a reason to stay inside(or sell clicks) though.
All I'm going to say, your team better cool it with the -> "still have to hide and mask even after the vaccine" if you want enough people to take it. TS. Why take it if it doesn't offer a path to normal?
My people? I speak for three people. Otherwise, I read and try to keep myself educated like a reasonable human being.