-Grats to the Rax Family. Beautiful little dude. Should have another GYERO baby coming in any time now. Noelle, K80, and Luke are going to be the elders of the quarantine babes at this rate.
-Speaking of Da Ville, got to visit yesterday for an actual, real life, in person meeting. 😄 Amazing. Only 2nd one in 50 weeks. Minimal attendees, spread way out, masked, etc. Fish House delivered for lunch. Also, amazing. Catholics f*ck a lot of shit up but they can make fried fish. At least in this area.
-The dunk charge is horsehit. You can not get crammed on and draw a charge. That was total anticipation. No call that shit, you piece of dogshit.
-Lot of text banter about Brooks, last night. HE's so skilled, but man, he's been mildly disappointing this year. Seems to turn it over at a pretty high rate. Doesn't demand the ball. Easily Cal's biggest recruit.
-If he can bring back Brooks, Allen... Askew, Mintz, Oscar, Toppin, Ware, Fletcher. That's a good start to hopefully a change in the way he does business.
-I'm with SAE, I may be on the wrong side of history, but I'm just not there with all ^ stuff. So why comment? I'll just keep my outdated opinions to myself.
-3" of fresh powpow is exactly what we needed. At least it was fluffy and easy to clear a path.
-If it's really 57 and sunny next Wednesday... shew boy. 😎 Going to be hard to stop the giddy on this guy.
-Aching to get back out fishing. LFG spring.
-I have a hard time re-watching dramatic series. I can put on some comedy or mindless stuff, but something I need to watch in sequence, I'm just not going to do it.