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-i know a lot of folks that have the catholic/baptist(or non denominational) marraige find the Episcopal/Presby route a good compromise. Still "high church" with ritual/music and whatnot (familiar for the Catholic) without the pre-reformation stuff that makes protestants uneasy.

-one of my frat roommates is a was non practicing. After college started practicing as a conservative jew and is now full blown orthodox(beard, curls and tassles) . Move to Amberly from Lex to be in a larger community. His wife grew up in a non-denom xtian church and is all in with the orthodoxy...her parents are less than pleased. Love is a powerful thing.
Pope seems kind of cool imo. I mean, the whole "living in opulence while the world suffers" deal is sketchy, but that's a problem for the religion across the board, frankly.
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I used to take the bread wafer at the episcopal mass to appease my wife, and in turn, give my mother in law the appearance of having a protestant son in law, but after witnessing their church keep the plate of wafers on the floor during an Easter Sunday mass (symbolic or not), I realized that was foolish.

Haven’t partaken in that sham ever since. EAD, rudd. Have some respect.
Hard for me to understand how my Protestant wife doesn’t have a spiritual relationship of any sort with Mother Mary. I suppose that is a Catholic thing, but I thought all Christian women prayed to her.

I’m down with the Blessed Virgin btw. Big time. #polytheism
Because you are not supposed to pray to her. Duh
Catholics have fish fries and like to drink, so if I were to pick a Jesus Team, it would probably be them.
but after witnessing their church keep the plate of wafers on the floor during an Easter Sunday mass (symbolic or not).

Good Lord, what parish? That's strictly forbidden by the Episcopal Church fwiw. But they also let women be priest, so I guess it's a matter of individual parishes either following the rules or not
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* Beyond excited for watching college football all day tomorrow.

* Never understood my fellow UK fans' hatred of tOSU. I get that they're good and their fans talk shit like our basketball fans. But I think it is because a lot of you confederate loving Southerners are still sore the North absolutely kicked your ass in the Civil War. You tried to break up our great nation and we spanked you and made you bend the knee.

So I thoroughly enjoyed watching my lovely wife's Buckeyes beat the shit out of the Hoosiers last night. But the only time I would root for Indiana is when they play Michigan or Louisville.

I think Ohio State is good this year, but not #2. I think Oklahoma beats them by 2 TDs next week. Michigan lost a lot, it will be interesting to see them vs a shorthanded Florida team tomorrow.

Will Florida ever get back to being Florida?

* Smoke roasting a couple beef tenderloins and having a baked potato bar on Sunday for about 15 peeps.

* Taking the wife and kids to the Reds game on Monday.

* Dropping lbs like BBdK drops rhymes.

* Cats 37-27. Sihiem King scores 2 long ones on a run and a swing pass. Benny does Benny things.
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-its a visceral reaction to a bunch of white bread goobers having a misguided superiority complex toward their genteel neighbors to the south. I love Cincy but the rest of oHIo(except for the boundaries of cedar point cause coasters are awesome) is a boring and soulless shitbasket.

-sae, i will keep you in my prayers.
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Willy having a gd baked potato bar and we're all sitting here pretending like he doesn't have a koi pond actually filled with gravy? People that wasn't a joke.
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Goose Stepper, just catching up with GYERO and the several mentions of OSU last night. I realize they don't talk a lot of sports on FOX News, so I am just trying to help keep you abreast of the latest news in college football. You're welcome.

SAE, the baked potato bar will be glorious. Will compliment the beautiful smoked beef tenderloin perfectly. And guests are all bringing a side dish as well.

Perhaps you can pray to Mary that maybe, someday, you too can serve delicious piping hot russet potatoes that can be customized with a variety of toppings to your friends and family. Heck, sounds like you can even leave the potatoes on a tray on the floor for the Episcopals.
Willy certainly knows how to host. Nothing like a tater under a proper pergola. Sounds like a fun get together.
Willy doesn't understand because he went to EKU. The amount of cocksuckers that came to UK from Ohio and did the UK basketball/Ohio football was unbearable.

What about the jobless cocksuckers from KY who moved to Texas?

The biggest split fanbase jerks in NKY growing up were the UK BB fan / ND FB fan combo. But now that OSU has been back in the national spotlight for the last decade+ and Notre Dame is fading a bit, you do see more and more OSU bandwagonners.

I don't catch too much shit for being a UK fan from OSU peeps, but the UC fans absolutely hate us.
Went out on Bardstown Road with Ghetto postgame and he was wearing Sloot's giant fist and kept hitting people with it. I talked us out of a half dozen fights.
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