
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Love me some #SeatSmack.

Hopefully I'll find a way to not have a miserable time this March Madness while not being on the floor/behind the bench/in a suite & snapchatting the entire game.

Prayers requested.
Yeah, you'll need them after Nashville brah. Hope you stay alive and awake this weekend.

Richie can get pumped too. Just cause you're married to a resident doesn't make you one of us. Enjoy your frozen collides and crispies while she's out bringing home the bacon, Barbour boy.
Originally posted by ukalum01:
Doctors on this board LOVE posting their work/on call schedules. Love it. It's gotta be a tick or something.
Yup. Never hear bucket or Anthony bitch about a weekend of call and shitty shifts.


I bitch for the hell of it because it makes me feel better. Touch off.
Depends on specialty and hospital.

For most residents in teaching hospitals "call" means straight work. I think swimmer make take some home call at times, but our dept doesn't do home "call" at all for residents.

Weekday call for me (anesthesia) means work my regular shift in the morning/afternoon then just keep running OR cases until there's no more work to be done. Could be 5PM, could be not until the next morning at 7AM. We do all floor and ICU intubations/codes and do pain management consults, which could be any hour. And then there's emergencies/trauma/head bleeds etc that are obviously taken care of.

If there's no work, go to bed. I had a string of 8 call shifts where I got a total of 14 hours of sleep. Then the next shift (last Thursday) got to sleep from 10:30 to 5:30 without a peep. It was incredible. But you never know when the pager will go off, which is a little terrifying at times.

Weekends just run the ORs until theres no more work for 24 hours.

For a lot of private practice doctors true call is just that, get a call at home when emergencies/surgeries come in and have to be available within 30-45 minutes or so. But that depends on different specialities, type of hospital, etc.
I feel like an anesthesiologist or surgeon working while sleep deprived is a recipe for disaster, for both the patient and hospital.
There's no way I would knowingly let an anesthesiologist or surgeon near me if they've been working more than 16 hours straight. Lass spent two years working as a RN in surgery, and there would be several days when she'd go in at 7am and wouldn't be home until midnight or later. She would be a zombie when she finally made it home, and i'd be freaked the touch out to put my life in people's hands like that.
Originally posted by CClarkUK:
This game feels like an 11 over a 6, even though both are 16 seeds?
Considering, before I saw them, that many thought Manhattan should have been seeded higher, yes it feels like a mid level upset such as a 6/11 or 7/10.

False. Got all the St Patty's I wanted this past Saturday. It's fng Tuesday & you couldn't pay me to be in a bar tonight.

Workout . Eat. Bed.
Originally posted by _Chase_:
I feel like an anesthesiologist or surgeon working while sleep deprived is a recipe for disaster, for both the patient and hospital.
Yeah, and don't get sick in July either.
Well...I guess don't go to a hospital, get in a wreck, fall down stairs, get shot/stabbed?

I mean in all honesty if there's a monster liver transplant or trauma case then there's help to get breaks, go eat, coffee, etc.

If I'm regally tired in middle of night run stairs or push-ups while my attending gets me a break. Or shock myself with the nerve stimulator, always for a little jolt of energy at 4AM.

24 hours isn't that bad, honestly. Someone's life depends on you...tend to stay awake.
Originally posted by IsRichieGonnaStart:

False. Got all the St Patty's I wanted this past Saturday. It's fng Tuesday & you couldn't pay me to be in a bar tonight.

Workout . Eat. Bed.

pretty sure I wouldn't even know today was St Pats day if I didn't live here.

I do, I did, and I wore a white polo to work and was in for the night at 7...

One crazy thought is that the hospitals could hire a larger staff. Groundbreaking stuff, I know.
Teaching hospitals, which are usually level 1 trauma centers, are very different than community hospital down the road. Probably have a similar setup, they're just not as busy.

Our hospital actually has trauma surgeons that are night/day shift most of the time for the Attendings and majority of time for residents. But cardiac, vascular, gen surg, thoracic, neurosurgery, ortho, transplant...not enough night/weekend volume to justify a night shift or extra staff. All about the dollar.

And anesthesia attendings, at least at our hospital are usually on 16 hour shift at the most for general call, but the subspecialists just take call after a normal day. Again, all about volume. Only way to really make it work in a place like a level 1 trauma center that gets all kinds of shit at all kinds of hours.
Lots of school.
Long hours.
Huge paycheck.

Got it.

For touch sake can we move on now?
Damn, I knew this would happen. Ole Miss has no chance against a fundamental group like this. Especially when they're BLAZING. Should've went big but already down more than I'd like so trying to chip back a little at a time with money line bets.
I don't know what you're going to do when you have multiple guys just bombing 3s. Just raining them. lol
Originally posted by wcc31:
I don't know what you're going to do when you have multiple guys just bombing 3s. Just raining them. lol
Ole Miss got about 20 offense rebounds and missed at least 7-8 bunnies. So really it could have been pretty close if they didn't just play like poop. Collingsworth didn't even play.
Originally posted by wcc31:
I don't know what you're going to do when you have multiple guys just bombing 3s. Just raining them. lol
You're going to lose, that's what you're going to do.
Has there been a year in recent memory with this many teams stocked with players who knock down the 3 from just about anywhere?
Hahaha- Ole Miss just dunking all over these honks. Got the lead. What a game. BYU's style is fun but leads to a lot of runs both ways.
-Andy Kennedy is near the top of my favorite SEC coaches. Personable, competitive, a bit crazy, and seemingly gets SEC West basketball judging by the aghast look on his face when his teams do SEC West things. Go Rebs.

-Any Calcutta value teams? Providence and Texas are both pretty intriguing to me... wondering if Kentucky will really go that high or if people will stay away. Also, how much their prohibitive favorite-ness will impact the price of other 1/2 seeds. Going to be a fascinating auction IMO with this field of flunkies.

-Purnell's brats FTW.

-Appears the river has receded enough to open the 3rd street ramp. That's good.

-After seeing it done so many times on the college sites I really want to try the shake/slam/shotgun deal. Stupid, but curious to see how I'd match up. I can still shotgun/chug cold beer at a pretty good clip considering how washed up I am, surprisingly. I still love the cold beer burn. Just awesome.

-I've gone from a white/blue shirt and tie everyday to business casual and feel like I'm having to dress up more now than before. Like school uniforms, there's something very easy about a shirt and tie rather than having to pair pants/shirts every damn day.

-I have a growing sense that this is going to be a more anticlimactic run than America is prepared for.
Originally posted by SAECATFAN:

-Any Calcutta value teams? Providence and Texas are both pretty intriguing to me... wondering if Kentucky will really go that high or if people will stay away. Also, how much their prohibitive favorite-ness will impact the price of other 1/2 seeds. Going to be a fascinating auction IMO with this field of flunkies.[/URL]
Originally posted by _Chase_:
Moody playing like an absolutely idiot. Guy needs to settle down.
[/QUOTE]Originally posted by anthonys735:
Damn, I knew this would happen. Ole Miss has no chance against a fundamental group like this. Especially when they're BLAZING. Should've went big but already down more than I'd like so trying to chip back a little at a time with money line bets.
[/QUOTE]Originally posted by wcc31:
I don't know what you're going to do when you have multiple guys just bombing 3s. Just raining them. lol
[/QUOTE]Originally posted by UKAlum07:

Originally posted by wcc31:
I don't know what you're going to do when you have multiple guys just bombing 3s. Just raining them. lol
You're going to lose, that's what you're going to do.
- I mean- that game was incredible. Nice little warning shot on those ALL OFFENSE/NO DEFENSE squads. Beware taking ND, Iowa State and, hell, maybe even Duke far. Funniest thing about that game was that rinky-dink bullshit press attemptRose tossed out with the game under a minute. Moody broke that thing like he was playing a team of 5th graders. Got the ball and went 90 feet in like two seconds on the dribble.

- Those Mormons are some weird looking dudes for the most part.

- Mateen Cleaves and Wally Szczerbiak prove what I've been saying all along with ESPN. It's really not THAT hard to find former college stars who are good in front of the camera. You don't just have to hire Jay Williams, Shane Battier and Hubert Davis. Wally and Cleaves are awesome in the studio. Naturals.

- Think SAE was on it. Feeling a lot better since taking my allergy meds.

- One of my favorite parts of PTI and BBdK getting together is the entire weekend is filled with Junkyard Willie quotes and lingo- "What the...? This company sucks."

- Think BBdK and I listened to the clip of Rome running Vinnie Mac about a dozen times this weekend- "What you are is run, Vinnie Mac."
Not trying to be a dick but isn't time we retire the 3-goggles?
Originally posted by Mashburned:
Stop being a dick.

3 goggles >>>>>>>> reload my arm
It's 3-4 years old. No one does it anymore- UK players or otherwise.

Reload is the most fun thing to do of all time during a game, or when taking a shot.

I relish every opportunity to do it.

I'll still throw a goggle up now and then too tho.

This post was edited on 3/18 9:44 AM by B.B.d.K.

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