Re: GYER31-0
I don't want Booker getting streaky and blowing his wad now. Let him struggle then find his shot in the S16.
FWIW (and it isn't worth much), one of the attendings I was working with last week saw my UK mug and casually mentioned "oh you follow UK? My cousin's kid plays for them." I look at her and quickly think to myself "you're black
it can't be Brian Long." Anyway Melvin Booker is her first cousin and they grew up very close together. She thinks there is no way in hell that Booker leaves early, mainly because Melvin graduated and thinks it's the best decision he ever made, and feels quite strongly that Devin should do the same. Now she doesn't follow UK closely at all aside from what Melvin tells her, so I really don't think she has a grasp on just how great this season has been or just how big a deal Devin Booker has been, so again take it for what it's worth
likely not much.