
The google puts the Louisville to Cleveland drive at about 5:30. That about right or nah?

Sounds pretty awful to be honest, but SW flights aren't much better on duration for the cheaper fares
Yeah, it's four hours from Cincy so that sounds right...and it is an awful drive- four straight hours of cornfields.
I make it to clev in about 4:45-5:00. But you want to leave so you don't hit Cincinnati or Columbus traffic

Regionals are so tough...especially when you're penciled in for SECT, 1st Rd Humdinger in Louisville, and then an outrageous (hopefully) weekend in Indy.

My only chance there may be a solo deal like the Atlanta Regional in '12, if I even feel up to it at that point.
Originally posted by UKRob 73:
Is there any bigger of a lock for the soft ass white boi on gyero who would give in to all stupid hen games like "push present", couples shower, etc etc, than SAE?
Its not even close is it?
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
The google puts the Louisville to Cleveland drive at about 5:30. That about right or nah?
Wife's family is from there. 5:30 is spot on. Can shave it down to 5, but watch it because there's speed traps from outside of Columbus on. And yes, the drive sucks. Absolutely nothing pleasant about it.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

Regionals are so tough...especially when you're penciled in for SECT, 1st Rd Humdinger in Louisville, and then an outrageous (hopefully) weekend in Indy.

My only chance there may be a solo deal like the Atlanta Regional in '12, if I even feel up to it at that point.
Meh. Swing by my place on the way, we'll grab some food that Chad would hate and then I'll be your wingman.
Driving across Indiana or Ohio or any flat boring ace midwestern cornfed state ---> GTFO
Originally posted by UKRob 73:
Is there any bigger of a lock for the person on gyero who would give in to all stupid hen games like "push present", couples shower, etc etc, than SAE?
Its not even close is it?
Didn't do any of that, Robert. So, not really a lock at all.
-Regarding push presents, they are kinda silly, but I suggested a royal blue diaper bag that I'll just buy myself otherwise. Considering we share the same bank account, push presents and all presents are basically the same as buying it yourself.

-Couples showers.

-Definitely driving to Cleveland. It takes just as long to fly and includes a layover. I'd rather have the freedom of our own transpiration and the ability to pack my liquids as I see fit, not how the TSA sees fit.

-Hey, you guys have fun being drunk all weekend. I'll be thinking of you when I'm not hungover on Monday morning for the first time in a lot of years after conference tourneys.
Will be interesting to see how Sloot handles this weekend. Nothing really more annoying than being around a bunch of drunk people when you have to stay sober.
