Gun to your head:


Jul 28, 2006
who do you hate the most?

2. Duke

I'm interested, if you HAD to choose, which one you despise the most, and why.
Myself, it's UNCCHEATS. Their many years of acting superior to everyone else, their snotty, uppity fans, and of course their many years of PROVEN cheating.

(I had intended this be a poll, but I didn't see an option for that.)

Thanks, WW.
Duke. UNC is getting their just deserves but Duke still has not paid for the years of blatant ref favoritism and blatantly getting away with cheating/NCAA infractions.
UNC and it really shouldn't even be a question. The Four Corners was even worse than K's flop and gun style. The Carolina Way is a gigantic program of cheating. At least Duke is a strong academic institution. You can be annoyed at K but he's never been anything but complimentary towards our program. Without the Stomp and the Shot, this isn't an argument. And without the media propping up Duke over the years, the rest of college basketball probably hates them less.

Meanwhile UNC cheated to become the #2 program of all time for decades while touting how they were morally superior to the rest of college basketball.
UNC by a very large margin. But I'm an older Cat (45). If you are my age or older, most likely you are getting UNC answers, younger pups it's Duke.
Same here. It's UNC*** by a wide, wide margin. They've cheated for decades and still have the audacity to look down their collective noses at others. The epitome of blind arrogance. Until they pay for their sins, they will stand alone at the top of my mountain of disdain.

Their fans are also much more obnoxious and illogical than dook fans.
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I'm 26 and I despise unc with every ounce and fiber. Duke I really don't like but I hate unc. Their fans are frauds of basketball fans. Don't know history or why they aren't no. 1 year in year out.
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I absolutely despise one team in college basketball. A lot of teams I don't care for but I absolutely hate one school in particular.

DUKE. School sucks. Coach is an obnoxious venom spewing ref cussing manipulator.

NC doesn't make the list. They lack the credits to be considered a D1 basketball team. The school is hopelessly disgraced. No point in hating them. They essentially don't count. I guess one could regard them in the same light as a prison team.
The program I want to see burned to the ground, the ashes plowed under, the ground sowed with salt and then poisonous thorn trees transplanted on the ruins is UNC-CHeats. I've felt that way since I was a kid in the 4-corners era, and they made a mockery of a game I loved. The hatred intensified when I was a young man and moved to ACC territory and encountered their supercilious, deluded fans who pretended to believe their program was far superior to the Cats. A bunch of flaccid, preppy, seer-sucker suited pansy asses.

So, in case that was not clear, the Tarheels.
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UNC** and I'm 26 so it's not an age thing. Easily the biggest hypocrites/cheaters in all of college basketball. I don't like Duke but I seriously can't stand UNC** and their holier than thou "Carolina Way" garbage.
The program I want to see burned to the ground, the ashes plowed under, the ground sowed with salt and then poisonous thorn trees transplanted on the ruins is UNC-CHeats. I've felt that way since I was a kid in the 4-corners era, and they made a mockery of a game I loved. The hatred intensified when I was a young man and moved to ACC territory and encountered their supercilious, deluded fans who pretended to believe their program was far superior to the Cats. A bunch of flaccid, preppy, seer-sucker suited pansy asses.

So, in case that was not clear, the Tarheels.

Well said as usual sir, well said. No... spectacularly said. Most accurate description of UNCheat fans ever.
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Oh come on. That's like hating a midmajor.
Imagine if I was shot for not saying one of the two options given. The last word I would have ever said would have been Indiana :eek: I may rethink my choices.
Duke . . . and it's not even close.

The fact that Laettner didn't even get a "T" . . . much less get ejected . . . after stomping Aminu Timberlake's stomach while Timberlake was lying on his back in the lane after a basket . . . trumps everything else.

Just MHO, of course.
I dislike both but they are like my favorite teams in the world compared to UL. I despise those ghetto cheaters almost to the point of being unhealthy. IU is very close second.
North Carolina but just because the cheating scandal.
I don't hate Duke, never have. If I hated Duke that would be a compliment to them and it would make me a hypocrite.
We say it all the time here, they hate us because we are great. If Duke sucked we wouldn't care one bit about them
Also, we scratch our heads at all the hate that comes our way from every fanbase out there, I think it's ridiculous and shows that they're jealous for 1 because again, they wouldn't hate us if we sucked.
One other point, Duke fans aren't as ridiculous as most other fanbases. If you go over to their board most are pretty cool, very few blowhards.
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I hate Duke's basketball program; but I hate UNC's entire lying, cheating, cowardly school. What UNC has done goes way beyond basketball.
UNC - "The Carolina Way"; the decades of cheating, the whine and cheese crowds, the wimpy colors, the argyle pattern, etc.

I don't like Duke either, but their fans seem to be somewhat less douchey and generally respectful of our program.

My true No. 1 is Louisville by a wide margin.
They've cheated for most of their history and won 3 titles while cheating.
Their fans think they are morally superior to other teams because of the BS "Carolina Way"
They had Tyler Hansbrough
The refs always help them when we played in Chapel Hell
Their fans think their program is equal to ours
I have hated UNC since the early 80s. Mostly for the same reason so many hate us now....they win too much. I actually liked Duke as the lesser of two evils in that battle. Plus we rarely play them. Here in the last three years or so I have started hating UNC a lot less and have started to develop more of a dislike for Duke. Sick of their crap, basically. Winning games they have no business winning because K decides they need a bunch of calls.