I am sure that a lot of people think that the grief experienced from the loss of a long time companion is crazy, but I can tell you, mine is real, very real. My wife and I had to put down our 14 year old shis tzu (Casey) yesterday. This was one of the most excruciating, painful things that I have ever experienced. This is the 2nd time we have had to go thru this horrible experience. Both times, these loveable, cuddly dogs, contracted glaucoma, causing them to become blind. Our 1st shis tzu had back problems her entire life. Our 2nd one was basically healthy his entire life until his blindness. Both of these adorable creatures filled our life with joy and happiness. They would meet us at the door every day coming home from work. They could not wait for us to pick them up and hug them. They would shower us with "kisses". They were not pets, not dogs, they were our children, as we weren't blessed with any human children. Unfortunately, Casey had developed a cough, almost a crupe cough sound, that he could not shake. He had been on a couple types of medication for about 6 weeks. At one point, I thought that he had gotten over it, but it returned even worse. When he was enduring one of these coughing spells, it broke my heart. I'm not sure if it caused him to be in pain, but it had to hurt him every time they started. He was also on drops for his eyes, and some mild pain relief for arthritis. Before this cough, he would lay beside us on the couch all night, content to be in our lap or cuddled up beside us, especially the wife. After he developed the cough, he was unable to do that. He would rest for a short time and then he would have to move around before he could settle down again. Maybe that was a sign of pain, and I just wouldn't see it. In bed, he would sleep between us, with his head on one of our pillows. You can't believe how this caused us to love him even more. This morning, I awoke at 5 a.m. and saw the snow coming down. My first thought was that Casey didn't like the snow, then it hit me, he was gone, never to see the snow again, and I will never see him again. Funny he didn't like the snow, as he was snow white, with a soft cottony coat and a touch of gold on his ears. We called him our angel, and know he is with the angels, and my parents. Sorry for the ramblings of a 67 year old man that can't stop crying over his best friend's passing.