Great practice pictures with Bradshaw!

I don't think there is ANYONE on this board who hopes he doesn't play. Most of us just don't trust Calipari. This is about Calipari and what he's really at UK for. It's unfortunate that the players maybe don't feel they're getting the love they think they deserve, but Kentucky has always been about players giving their heart and soul for the program, leaving it all on the floor. A player who hasn't played hasn't left anything on the court. That's what this is about. Maybe this year Cal changes his perception on why he's here, if so then great!
Think you are correct. The fans have been fed so many non-truths, that many are skeptical of these types of things.
Think you are correct. The fans have been fed so many non-truths, that many are skeptical of these types of things.
Sorry to hear about your parents. My father is getting up there in age, he's 77.
This is so tiresome.

If you don't like how things are run here go find another program.
Wow look at this - Rip Van Winkle actually awake enough to post in a thread the day it appears, instead of 4 weeks later. Quick everybody write down the date.
  • Haha
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K.L.U.T.C.H will stop at nothing to deceive the UK faithful. Now they are putting out deepfakes from “practice”.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they create a cybernetic Bradshaw that actually plays in the games. Those evil bastards.
Klutch cares nothing (good or bad) about BBN.

Klutch is all about making money. With Sharpe, he was a projected top 3 pick playing a position that doesn't need to show you are physical-enough to play vs men. Bradshaw though is a 7'1 PF who will be going against much larger grown-ass (PF) men that could brake him in half. AND, Sharpe played until December, and then was practicing w/ the team after that. Bradshaw has not played even a pickup game since May. To be drafted reasonably high (lottery) he must go out and show he isn't made of glass, show he can play vs 220-240 lb college guys before he goes up vs 240-260 pro guys.
Coming soon:


Don’t forget Thiero. Thiero is a stud. We need his toughness and versatility
Agree a lot of people on here are gonna have to eat crow and probably won’t
They probably will just as soon as those who swore that Sharpe was going to play/return for a second year right up until Portland drafted him eat theirs.
Me, I hope he'll play, but with some of the Shenanigans we've seen the last couple of years, nothing would surprise me.