Gottlieb on Murray: Sincere or Backhanded Compliment?

So because he was 19, were making it up, even though u just admited he did it when he was young, lol! So if anyone brings up something that someone actually did when they were younger than 20 they were making it up?!?!?!?!
Believe it was a slap in the face implying our fans are not too bright. Kind of dismissing the BBN as laughable.

Don't see it as a compliment backhanded or otherwise.
Definitely a dis on the BBN. He's trying to stir the hornets nest up because of, among other things, Matt Jones article praising Murray's performance at the Pan Am games and the BBN's general excitement about what Murray can do in Lexington.

Gottleib is a hater, pure and simple, and will do whatever is necessary to downplay anything remotely positive about UK or its incoming players.