Good for UK, bad for the rest of MCB

Nov 7, 2016
You can bash me because of my allegiances, but this move, given a few years, could absolutely return stability, competitiveness, and ultimately success that UK is known for. It’s one thing to have your rear end handed to you year after year by your rival (yes, UofL fan here, and yes, I accept we got destroyed) but ultimately know the coach wasn’t going to coach a team to a championship. Now, if UK gets someone like Drew, Beard, or even Hurley, I don’t think with the history of the program you can argue they won’t return to their former glory. Being a realist as opposed to a rival here, the days of one and done non-developmental teams may be gone and with the right coach and legacy of the program I sincerely believe this is the best thing that could have happened for UK. I will never root for it, but I can humbly come to say this is gonna sting for everyone else once the ball gets rolling for you guys. Best of luck in every game but one!
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