Gonna rush the floor. So embarrassing.

It shows that students make a choice, in the moment, to have a little fun. As the poster above stated, it their game first. You have no problem, supposedly, in fans having fun, as long as it fits in with your ideas of fun....pretty much the definition of an old fogey.
Originally posted by 3rex:
It shows that students make a choice, in the moment, to have a little fun. As the poster above stated, it their game first. You have no problem, supposedly, in fans having fun, as long as it fits in with your ideas of fun....pretty much the definition of an old fogey.
I don't have a problem with it. I'm just embarrassed for them.
"My home smells of rich mahogany and I have MANY leather bound books..."
THE reason UK fans don't rush the court is most UK fans have been there before and act like they have, dude. Has nothing to do with not being able too. OMG

I got some age on me and wouldn't mind stepping on you to get to the court,,,to go home after the win that is.
Wrong....most 17, 18 year old UK students haven't "been there before..." They are college students who, GASP, just want to let it out & enjoy themselves every once in a while....dude. lol
Originally posted by icalfan:

Originally posted by ftp000:
Some of you remind me of the staunch old farts we had here when Cal first got hired. This board was full of posts like "I hope he doesn't bring in players with tattoos" and "I hope we don't end up with a bunch of headband wearers". Ridiculous traditionalists, college sports are supposed to be there for the students FIRST. Let the young and lively decide how they will celebrate. Get off your high horse, and off your dying feet, sit there on your dead ass and enjoy, absorb a little youthful spirit.
A couple of things.
Name the team that you would rush the floor after a win at Rupp Arena. (you won't)I'm not old, I just understand where UK is in the college basketball landscape, which is at the top.I don't have a problem with tattoos or headbands, and I don't know anyone who does.The young students at UK have chosen to never rush the floor at Rupp, because they get it, as do the old.I have been to many games at Rupp and I get off my feet quite often. I cheer, I scream, I yell, I dance, I enjoy, but I would never rush the floor.My three young kids keep my youthful spirit alive and well. It's louder in my house during UK games than most, I'm sure. I'm all about cheering for your team. But rushing the floor shows exactly where you are as a team, and it's not at the top.
whoopty-doo. Everybody should just behave themselves based on your beliefs. It's not a particular team that would cause the students to storm the floor, assuming they could get to it past the old money, it's a scenario. If the Cats were unranked, and unlikely to make the tournament, like USCjr has been, and they beat a #1 Blueblood or a top 3 SEC team, it could very well happen. We, and all the blue hairs understand our position in the "landscape", but some overexcited 18-22 year olds might not care, in a moment of excitement.
Remember 2012, after we won it all? Some of those crazy kids set shit on fire, like they were in Detroit or something.
Originally posted by 3rex:
Wrong....most 17, 18 year old UK students haven't "been there before..." They are college students who, GASP, just want to let it out & enjoy themselves every once in a while....dude. lol
And yet, they never have at Rupp Arena. Trust me, UK students get it.
1973 was a different time. We only had four titles then and it had been a decade and a half since the last title. Then Tennessee was our biggest rival, one who kicked our butts in a regular basis. Then this was the final game in memorial that year, senior day, and in those days we still three oranges at players or mascots from the Volunteers. Basically this was a different era.

Our fans tried to storm the court in Rupp in 2003 against Florida, but the cops held the students back. Had they got out there who knows how many would have followed.
Originally posted by 3rex:
Wrong....most 17, 18 year old UK students haven't "been there before..." They are college students who, GASP, just want to let it out & enjoy themselves every once in a while....dude. lol
I guess they can always burn couches in the street and overturn some police cars. That would be more fun than jumping up and down on a court, IMO.
I'm sure icalfan was "embarrassed" by that too, preacher fan!

darn kids...
If I were a fan of NC State, I'd rush the floor after every win. That's what crappy teams' fans who don't expect to win do. They're shocked their garbage team won so they rush the court.

My opinion is that it's a bush league move. It solidifies what everyone else already knows, which is that the team you support is probably not truly the better team and likely played over its head. It also has the potential of injuring either a fan or a player. When someone gets trampled it will be banned from ever happening.

I'm glad UK fans don't do it, for whatever reason.
Originally posted by jf121264:

I say it would be ok for UK fans to storm the court only if:

1. 40-0

2. That is it.
The Exception to the Rule. In fact, if Kentucky pulls off the 40-0, the following is acceptable on the floor immediately after the Championship Victory buzzer sounds off:

1. court-storming
2. heavy-drinking
3. love-making*

(*pretty people only, please... gotta draw the line somewhere, and those images will be remembered for ages to come)
Whatcha gonna do when the ERUPPTION zone finally does what it's positioned to do?? Fire the tear gas?