Girls licking Booker's car door!!!!


Blue Chip Prospect
Apr 3, 2009
What the heck is wrong with these girls? No dignity or respect for themselves. They lower themselves to the level of a dog licking a car, so sad to see.
College stunt. The modern equivalent of swallowing a goldfish. (Ask your great grandparents about that.)
Originally posted by BlueinTex:

What the heck is wrong with these girls? No dignity or respect for themselves. They lower themselves to the level of a dog licking a car, so sad to see.
It could be a lot worse.

On the dumb-things-girls-do-for-boys scale of 1 to 10... this is only a 1.
Get over it.

It's one of the many things people do just to post the photo on social media.
It's the world that we live in...
I could see it if he owned a nicer car. They shouldn't have to wait very long for that to transpire.
I hope they weren't licking on the same spot that old porn star was.
Originally posted by On-On-UK:
Get over it.

It's one of the many things people do just to post the photo on social media.
It's the world that we live in...
. . . . . .. aaaaaand there's your problem
Originally posted by Sawnee Cat:
Thanks to Monica Lewinsky we now have a new generation of female lickers. It is the norm.
Actually she was Willys personal walking humidor.
Originally posted by AJ Blue:

Originally posted by On-On-UK:
Get over it.

It's one of the many things people do just to post the photo on social media.
It's the world that we live in...
. . . . . .. aaaaaand there's your problem

Exactly AJ Blue

We live in a time now when many people want to act foolish, but want no accountability, no one to say anything about their foolish behavior, no restrictions, no discipline, and no consequence. A time where man does what is right in his own eyes and this is a very dangerous path and perspective on life.
Originally posted by BlueinTex:

What the heck is wrong with these girls? No dignity or respect for themselves. They lower themselves to the level of a dog licking a car, so sad to see.
I can honestly say I've never seen a dog lick a car.
Originally posted by BlueinTex:

What the heck is wrong with these girls? No dignity or respect for themselves. They lower themselves to the level of a dog licking a car, so sad to see.
At least they weren't licking Booker's back door -- as far as we know anyway.
That's not all they lick.

Chuck Verderber used to get his car licked. These must be granddaughters of the original car lickers
It seems bizarre and gross to me I have no clue what these girls are thinking but they need some better hobbies.
Now if they can pull that off while he's going around New Circle Rd . . . now you've got something worth blasting on social media.
somwhere gene Simmons is jealous he could not partake in quite possibly the stupidest idea I've ever seen. What's sad is these chicks only go down on bookers car lol. I'm sure there boyfriends or lack there of can attest to that. I'f booker needs a back up gig I hear one direction needs a new member.

Don't get me wrong, and it's not his fault but hopefully he concentrates more on being an nba player than a sex symbol for girls who have aspirations of being tagged on Facebook for licking his car since they will never put their lips on him. Any day now his used gum will go up on eBay.
That's a perfectly good and great sports article about "the other side" of sports and then you get down to the Facebook comments and people just ruin a good thing. More pics, less comments, imo, and the internet would be a better place.
If they thought it would get them some of his NBA money, they would lick his butt. This crap just makes UK fans appear stranger than we already are.
If I ever see Booker's car i'm going to wipe something disgusting all over the door. Hide and watch all these dummies lick all over it.
Its nothing short of retarded. I read the story on Yahoo and it was full of people making fun of UK. The sad part is this one can't even be defended. Who knows what germs they are picking up....gross !!
Originally posted by BlueinTex:

What the heck is wrong with these girls? No dignity or respect for themselves. They lower themselves to the level of a dog licking a car, so sad to see.
I agree. If it were my daughter, I would be very disappointed. Go ahead and respond. I won't be back to read it.
That car will need to be sanitized for stds after the tounge lashing its received. I get it it's college, but you aren't scoring any points with bookers car. Some chick that's a deuce, deuce and a half will go out and get bookers car tattooed on their back as a tramp stamp.
Originally posted by WildmanWilson:
Its nothing short of retarded. I read the story on Yahoo and it was full of people making fun of UK. The sad part is this one can't even be defended. Who knows what germs they are picking up....gross !!
I am more concerned with what germs they may be depositing.
Nothing surprises me these days. Enjoy while you can young man. And I'm sorry if this comes off as bitter, but one day you'll rethink, if not regret that decision to not stay in school another year. At least those are college girls, and just not outright...

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