Girl From Louisa On The TV Show The Voice


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2006
Apparently she picked Blake Shelton to be her coach. I didnt get her name, but help that girl out by voting next week!!!!! If anyone knows how to text in the vote, let us know!

Good Luck to her!
This post was edited on 3/4 8:24 PM by BigBlueCatNation
Originally posted by Captain Unibrow:
Isn't the general chat section for stuff like this? Thought this was the basketball section.
No, she is a great UK fan....
That caught my ear as well. Made me remember all those trips from Floyd County to Ironton, Ohio to visit my grandmother all those years ago.....
My mother is from Louisa. She's a Cats fan too, even though she lives in Texas now. She's 82 and not happy if the Cats aren't running and gunning. Needless to say, I'll be rooting for that young lady.
Originally posted by BigBlueCatNation:
Apparently she picked Blake Shelton to be her coach. I didnt get her name, but help that girl out by voting next week!!!!! If anyone knows how to text in the vote, let us know!

Good Luck to her!
This post was edited on 3/4 8:24 PM by BigBlueCatNation
Thanks for the heads up!!! I appreciate you for posting on this board, otherwise I would have missed it.