Gene Hackman dead

How could no one mention his roles as General Mandible or Brill?!
Very few celebrity deaths bother me as I know none personally but when someone that played so many unforgettable parts and such a wide range you can’t help but to develop a kindred spirit towards them. He will be missed,

General Mandible

So if there is foul play what happened. He had a heart attack, died, and she decided she couldn't live without him? The dog being dead could just be from being in a crate and not having anything to eat or drink.

This is so odd.
I read somewhere the dog was in the closet. I assume they meant with door closed but don’t know. I have a German shepherd and can imagine that more as a result of someone trying to keep the dog away rather than forgetting where the back door is.
Has anyone considered that maybe the dog did it and couldn’t live with himself anymore or perhaps this is the work of a possessed doll?

These can’t be ruled out. 😂
We positive Gene Hackman just didn't have the best wife ever? If I'm 95 and losing it, I couldn't imagine a better way to go than in my bed with my still hot 64 year old wife too distraught to face a life without me so she decides to take us both out.

Sign me up right now.
Everyone likes to say once they're older and have a bit of money, they'd like to live somewhere remote and not be bothered. That's fine until you're found to have been laying on a floor dead for over a week and your wife, dead too, has been mummified.

Don't think this is as sinister as some want it to be though. It's possible she had a medical emergency, reached for some pills, fell over dead, and he didn't hear it happen. A space heater was found near her body which if on, would've sped up the decomposition process. Maybe he finds her later on, is distraught and confused, looks for a phone and his heart gives out in another room. There was an older actor living in CA who had two sons working in NYC, in or around the Towers. On 9/11, he couldn't get ahold of them and died of a heart attack the next morning before knowing if they were okay (they were). He was 74.
Went to my dad's last night and he wanted to watch The French Connection (I had never seen it). Half way in, the plot so far is kind of.. meh. Its kind of odd how it starts, feels like I'm missing something. And we're looking at the cast on our phones and it seems like there's a lot of uncredited actors. Like, Ed Lauter is clearly in this, why is he uncredited? And then I go to the Wikipedia page and im reading, and I'm like "wait, when did Gene Hackman have a partner?"

We were 80 minutes into The French Connection II. Lmfao.
Quick and the Dead was a good one as well. I wasn't crazy about the French Connection but gritty cop dramas aren't my thing. Great car chase though. Hackman had a rep for being a hothead and often clashed with his directors. That said he is easily one of my 5 favorite actors.
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Loved his work. But in Hoosiers, when I watched it as a kid I thought it was weird he was kissing Barbara Hershey who appeared to be way too young for him. And to be fair to 10 year old Wayne Dougan, she was 18 years his junior.
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This will be one to watch. Who ya got?
