******Game Thread Colgate vs UK*******

It's like they were all body-snatched by aliens or something.
I'm home and tuned it. Seems we got a little....lackadaisical on D.
That’s a good word
Very meh

But apparently the sky is falling again soooo
One thing about Robinson, it doesn’t bother him to miss one. Looks to me like we are just going three quarter speed tonight and getting more players playing time.
thats what hubby said. This is the game to experiment with lineups and minutes for bench players
I don’t know what they are doing but they went stupid after the start.
It’s hard to get up for games like this at times when you feel like it’s a win just by stepping on the court .

Also doesn’t help that our laziness got them back in the game so they are hitting some contested shots right now
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