Give it a rest man.IMHO, despite his apparent talent, which is yet to be realized, Hatcher needs a redshirt season to get his act together.
If not for already having had a redshirt, the same could be said of Barker. A multi-game suspension should be in order for Barker.
IMHO another misstep and both Barker and Hatcher should be cut loose. Their actions and demonstrated disregard for their responsibilities to their teammates detract from a team that for the most part consists for responsible student/athletes.
Not sure I understand Coach Stoops suspension rationale. The wide receiver who was penalized for "targeting" on what seemed to me to be a good,clean, hard block got a one-game suspension, while Barker after two incidents of using poor judgement got a slap on the wrist. What sort of message does that sent to their teammates???
Give it a rest man.
Good for you. You're a miserable fan. Hooray. Look at your history man. Nothing but negativity and complaining. Every single post.And just what should I be resting? My belief that college athletes, really athletes in general, should be responsible for their actions. We're quick to criticize the UofLs, UFs, UTs, Ohio States, etc. of the football world who sweep the missteps of their stars under the rug or simply ignore them as was the case with Jimeson, or whatever his name is, at FSU. But at UK it's OK or they deserve second and in Hatcher's case third chances. You simply can't have it both ways.
As for my comment about Coach Stoops' suspension rationale, please explain to me how you justify a suspension over a good, clean, hard hit on the football field and no suspension for immature actions off the field. Just makes no sense to me.
And before you start, I've been a UK fan for over 50 years and am a fan of Coach Stoops. But, even coaches need to be called out for inconsistent actions.
Good for you. You're a miserable fan. Hooray. Look at your history man. Nothing but negativity and complaining. Every single post.
Duh, no. Far from miserable. Just take issue with the win-at-all-cost fans, which you seem to be, who want to change the concept of scholar-athlete to athlete-scholar and those who want to criticize other programs while turning a blind eye to the missteps of their own program.
It amazes me that some fans don't realize how good Hatcher is? What he lacks, is discipline and consistency, but how could you not notice the amazing plays he made last season? He is obviously about as talented as they come at that position. It's not like he got burned a lot either. There were just times he was out of position or made the wrong read, but the guy is a freaking monster, and if he reads the play correctly, is almost assuredly going to halt any offense in their tracks. We need him back, and yes, he will start, unless one of the other guys is all SEC and we haven't realized it yet. I just hope he can get it together off the field.
As for Stoops consistency, he's not as hard on his best players because he needs them...but he also knows he needs to be hard enough to send a message. It's not a perfect science, but as a parent, I don't treat both of my children the same. Not cause I'm being unfair, but because I know each of their individual tendencies, and what may or may not work in each individual case is different for both of them. I imagine Stoops, or any HC, has to apply a similar philosophy to coaching. And as a football coach, you want to give the impression of being a disciplinarian without really being as hard as you act. You almost have to psyche these kids into behaving.
And weep no more, c'mon man! UL:'s players punch women, sell heroin to cheerleaders, and even team up on their own teamates in the locker room and beat them close to death....Our guys shot a freakin BB gun off and got jumped by some players with little brother complexes. DO you have any sense of gravity to compare our players discipline issues to that of the Dirty Birds???
You have to be a UL fan.
What did Barker do to deserve to be suspended? He and some friends went around with some air soft and was shooting crap. That's a speech of you should no better in this day and age. The next time he got In the news was him getting sucker punched. How do you think he needs to be bench based on that? He broke no laws nor did anything wrong. Might of been stupid but he paid the price of that.
I can tell with your tone you have a disdain for the program.
While I agree that the actions of the UL players were much worse and should be prosecuted in a court of law, both Barker and Hatcher have received second chances, for Hatcher it's his third offense. But to met out minor punishments, and yes I consider a two-game suspension as minor for a third offense and BTW I believe Barker was a participant in the infamous barroom brawl in Richmond in case you weren't aware and had no business in the EKU dorm when he was sucker punched, is just as inappropriate as what UL and others have failed to do.
Also, IMHO, situational discipline based on how much a coach needs a player is just plain wrong and sends the wrong message to the player's teammates. I believe star player and walkon practice player should be held to the same standard and disciplined in the same manner for similar offenses. If that makes me naive and old fashioned in today's world, well I guess I'm guilty and proud to be.
Duh, no. Far from miserable. Just take issue with the win-at-all-cost fans, which you seem to be, who want to change the concept of scholar-athlete to athlete-scholar and those who want to criticize other programs while turning a blind eye to the missteps of their own program.
IMHO, despite his apparent talent, which is yet to be realized, Hatcher needs a redshirt season to get his act together.
If not for already having had a redshirt, the same could be said of Barker. A multi-game suspension should be in order for Barker.
IMHO another misstep and both Barker and Hatcher should be cut loose. Their actions and demonstrated disregard for their responsibilities to their teammates detract from a team that for the most part consists for responsible student/athletes.
Not sure I understand Coach Stoops suspension rationale. The wide receiver who was penalized for "targeting" on what seemed to me to be a good,clean, hard block got a one-game suspension, while Barker after two incidents of using poor judgement got a slap on the wrist. What sort of message does that sent to their teammates???
IMHO, despite his apparent talent, which is yet to be realized, Hatcher needs a redshirt season to get his act together.
If not for already having had a redshirt, the same could be said of Barker. A multi-game suspension should be in order for Barker.
IMHO another misstep and both Barker and Hatcher should be cut loose. Their actions and demonstrated disregard for their responsibilities to their teammates detract from a team that for the most part consists for responsible student/athletes.
Not sure I understand Coach Stoops suspension rationale. The wide receiver who was penalized for "targeting" on what seemed to me to be a good,clean, hard block got a one-game suspension, while Barker after two incidents of using poor judgement got a slap on the wrist. What sort of message does that sent to their teammates???
Neither of those guys are currently running with the ones or twos. Ware and Jabari are getting many of Jason's minutes by alignment.Yes Hatcher will start at his position becasue Hatcher plays the Jack, whereas Ware and Johnson play the Sam. Walker is Hatcher's backup.
Duh, no. Far from miserable. Just take issue with the win-at-all-cost fans, which you seem to be, who want to change the concept of scholar-athlete to athlete-scholar and those who want to criticize other programs while turning a blind eye to the missteps of their own program.