Forbes a month or so ago estimated Bridgeman net worth at 1.4 Billion.Tremendous player. Only made 4 million in NBA earning but his net worth was $600 million…he owned over 300 Wendy’s and Chili’s.
RIP Junior
I had the honor of meeting and spending time with Mr. Bridgeman. He was as humble and unassuming as all that's been written. A truly great man who was philanthropic and generous.
He was a hell of a business man. Inspirational honestly. He came from an era of not getting rich off playing and made his life as good as anyone.I had the honor of meeting and spending time with Mr. Bridgeman. He was as humble and unassuming as all that's been written. A truly great man who was philanthropic and generous.
You just never know when it’s your time.Please Lord bless his family.