For those who follow creationism, what are the most convincing arguments in favor of creationism?

Another position with no evidence. Just hope. Good luck.
Good luck with what? There is a boatload of historical, archeological, and prophetic evidence for the life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am 100% secure in my evidence based faith.

Second, take your worldview. Again, what are you going tell a wing full of children who are about to die from cancer? I would love to know what your message would be.

"I know you are only 9, and have lived in pain and agony your entire life. Sorry buddy, but this all occurred randomly, and you drew the short end of the stick. Soon you will be dead and in the fertilizer pit. There has been no ultimate value to your life. Just a random occurrence of pain and agony for you."

Meanwhile, I will rejoice in the fact that they will soon be in heaven for eternity. Pain free, experiencing unspeakable joy, giving their life ultimate meaning.

Yeah, I will ride with Jesus.
Goal of this thread wasn't to discuss God's existence....
Inherently that is going to happen if you create a thread asking those who believe in creationism why they do, no?

I believe the creation of the universe is attributed to the God of the Bible, as there is just an overwhelming amount of historical, archeological, and prophetic evidence that speaks to the life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is God in flesh.

If that is true, then the Bible is true, and namely that God created the heavens and earth.
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Good luck with what? There is a boatload of historical, archeological, and prophetic evidence for the life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am 100% secure in my evidence based faith.

Second, take your worldview. Again, what are you going tell a wing full of children who are about to die from cancer? I would love to know what your message would be.

"I know you are only 9, and have lived in pain and agony your entire life. Sorry buddy, but this all occurred randomly, and you drew the short end of the stick. Soon you will be dead and in the fertilizer pit. There has been no ultimate value to your life. Just a random occurrence of pain and agony for you."

Meanwhile, I will rejoice in the fact that they will soon be in heaven for eternity. Pain free, experiencing unspeakable joy, giving their life ultimate meaning.

Yeah, I will ride with Jesus.

I just meant good luck figuring it out. Ride with whoever you want. You seem a little touchy about it but whatever, do your thing. As to the dying kid stuff, I would do whatever include to comfort them but I couldn’t lie and tell them it’s going to be better when they are dead. You have no way of knowing.
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I just meant good luck figuring it out. Ride with whoever you want. You seem a little touchy about it but whatever, do your thing. As to the dying kid stuff, I would do whatever include to comfort them but I couldn’t lie and tell them it’s going to be better when they are dead. You have no way of knowing.
Touchy? All I am doing is giving my viewpoint and asking you how you would defend an atheistic worldview to child cancer patients (and you were the one who brought that topic up in this thread).

As for evidence of the resurrection, I look at multiple pieces to inform my position:

Eyewitness testimony from different historical individuals who actually saw the risen Christ, all of whom give a different account that points to the Jesus' resurrection (in other words they just don't parrot each other and say the same thing...much like if you saw a crime along with other ppl, you would each have different viewpoints and pieces of eyewitness testimony that paint the whole picture, nobody would say the exact same thing).

Second, non biblical evidence for Jesus' resurrection from non biblical sources (Thallus, Tacitus, Phlegon, Pliny the Younger, Suetonius, Joesphus, etc). These are all early first/second century writers that spoke about Jesus, his ministry, there disdain for the early Christian church (not Joesphus) and Jesus' resurrection.

Third, I look at what happened to Jesus' disciples who professed to see the risen Christ. What did they get out of perpetuating this story in the first century? Power, fame, adulation, riches, wealth, women? Nope, on the contrary they received imprisonment, beatings, torture, and in many cases, death. If this was a lie, all they had to do was recant to save themselves imprisonment/beatings/death. None did. Not one. Even those involved in Watergate couldn't keep their lies straight for what, more then a week, without cracking. Yet these disciples who saw the risen Christ all could, and not one cracked, for years and years until their deaths.

God bless.
Inherently that is going to happen if you create a thread asking those who believe in creationism why they do, no?

I believe the creation of the universe is attributed to the God of the Bible, as there is just an overwhelming amount of historical, archeological, and prophetic evidence that speaks to the life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is God in flesh.

If that is true, then the Bible is true, and namely that God created the heavens and earth.

I intentionally avoided the term "belief" for this reason. Regardless of belief, I have an expectation of objective data that challenges the underlying merits of evolutionary biology.

Rephrasing what you're saying it's that the reason you adhere to young earth creationism is due to religious belief, which is fine. However, the conversation in that aspect ends there, as we are then discussing what you believe vs. the merits of evolution or young earth creationism.
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I intentionally avoided the term "belief" for this reason. Regardless of belief, I have an expectation of objective data that challenges the underlying merits of evolutionary biology.

Rephrasing what you're saying it's that the reason you adhere to young earth creationism is due to religious belief, which is fine. However, the conversation in that aspect ends there, as we are then discussing what you believe vs. the merits of evolution or young earth creationism.
I never gave any indication as to if I believe in a young earth creationism.

Second, the title of thread and your OP says nothing about young earth creationism (you may have stated this elsewhere, but I did not read through this whole thread).

Third, the evidence of Jesus' life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection provide an abundant amount of evidence for me to confidently say God created the universe. That is the evidence I use to inform my statement.

Anyways, I will tap out of this thread. Thanks for the thread.
The Paddock. Home to both the naughty teachers, and some of the deepest theological discussions on the web.
Curious, what type of math is your background?

I don't have anything of value to add, and i'm not trying to make this a bash-cal thread, but what type of creator would have sought fit to give Cal the ability to recruit like he did, but not coach his way to at one more title? seems like a conceit from a greek myth.
I’m definitely throwing out a Molotov even saying this…

But there is literally not even one single shred of believable, convincible evidence that young Earth creationism is real.

EDIT: And I already said this elsewhere in the thread just to be clear, but I actually do believe in creationism and also that it can logically coincide with evolution.
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Curious, what type of math is your background?

I don't have anything of value to add, and i'm not trying to make this a bash-cal thread, but what type of creator would have sought fit to give Cal the ability to recruit like he did, but not coach his way to at one more title? seems like a conceit from a greek myth.

I wish I was better at math and had had the patience to power through. Love keeping up with the theories but that’s about it for me.

I’ve often thought Cal reminded me of a Greek myth. The reward always dangling just out of reach. Glad he’s gone.
Re: the kid with cancer (kind of)

By one estimate, there are 8.7 million species on Earth. For 8,699,999 of the species, life is just a cycle. You’re born, mature, try to reproduce, and die. No other species is expecting a dog deity, a crawfish deity, a plankton deity to give meaning to their existence. They return to the earth and that’s it.

Only humans, due to consciousness, have come up with an idea like a creator. That’s not breaking news, obviously, but at the heart of things, what makes us different than an ant, an orangutan, a giraffe, etc.? Over the years I have grown to accept that I’m not the most important being and whatever purpose I have during my living years is just one I’ve made on my own or have adapted from societal norms and pressure.

I would love for there to be a great reward for me at then end of my days, but as of now, I’m just going to return to the dirt and hopefully provide some sort of nutrient to the another living thing.

Now, my question for those that seem to be aligned with creationism but not necessarily in a “god” as we know it. Did this creator just abandon our earth once life started to blossom?
Re: the kid with cancer (kind of)

By one estimate, there are 8.7 million species on Earth. For 8,699,999 of the species, life is just a cycle. You’re born, mature, try to reproduce, and die. No other species is expecting a dog deity, a crawfish deity, a plankton deity to give meaning to their existence. They return to the earth and that’s it.

Only humans, due to consciousness, have come up with an idea like a creator. That’s not breaking news, obviously, but at the heart of things, what makes us different than an ant, an orangutan, a giraffe, etc.? Over the years I have grown to accept that I’m not the most important being and whatever purpose I have during my living years is just one I’ve made on my own or have adapted from societal norms and pressure.

I would love for there to be a great reward for me at then end of my days, but as of now, I’m just going to return to the dirt and hopefully provide some sort of nutrient to the another living thing.

Now, my question for those that seem to be aligned with creationism but not necessarily in a “god” as we know it. Did this creator just abandon our earth once life started to blossom?
Another common conflation.

No one here, at least that I’ve seen so far (and I will gladly admit if I’m wrong), has said anything about there being an afterlife (or “great reward,” as you put it).

That literally has nothing to do whatsoever with the possibility of some kind of greater intelligence that designed, created, and put us all here.

EDIT: You didn’t answer my previous question : where did chemistry originate?

EDIT 2: To actually answer your question at the end of your post I quoted: I have no idea.

What does whether or not it “abandoned” us or stayed “involved” have to do with whether or not there is/was a creator behind our existence in the first place?

EDIT 3: “Only humans, DUE TO CONSCIOUSNESS…” (emphasis my own). That IS what separates us from dogs, crawfish, plankton, ants, orangutan, and giraffe, to use your own comparison.

Where’d it originate?
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