I really enjoy reading your thoughts, Eagles .... I concur on your salient points. Although I have been openly very vocal and positive in my support for Coach Pope, I just look at everything that happened this year in the context of a 50 year memory window for me. Except one thing :
Coach Pope IS a GREAT hire for us already.
Not a good hire. Not a very good hire. Legitimately great, and will be viewed as being so, in the future, although I would even agree saying he was "a really good hire" right now can be legitimately withheld, depending on how you look at everything and define good/very good/great/home run definition.
runt rant #3,712 ON :
It's easy to sit back and say that Cal was a home run hire to begin with for Kentucky at the time. We had "The Door" thread for lords' sakes. Told you everything you need to know. Same with Pitino as a home run hire.
But this year was a far more significant and challenging thing to pickup as opposed to when Pitino left. with what Tubby had leftover compared to the condition Cal left when he did? Geez, Louise. We've all got our questions about Mitch, but he did us right in this hire, luck or not. So he got a GOOD rating if the season ends against the Vols in the sweet sixteen. Fair enough.
At worst - Coach Pope's job would have to be seen as a "Good Hire." Unanimous approval would have to be required, and I think we can all agree on THAT around here... .for this year? Sure.
But not even a "very good" yet? OK. Fair enough.
I'm just sitting here watching all this talk continue, safe and absolutely secure in knowing my faith and trust are well founded with Coach Mark Pope. I've been out front in being positive and hanging tough with all the adversity the year brought ON TOP OF what we were facing ...
and then you throw the fact that the SEC had the single greatest season EVER in the 100 years of basketball in the NCAA this YEAR ... and that's what we would be up against ? He more than held his own.
Beat Scheyer, Few, Kelsey, Golden, Barnes twice, Buzz. I'll bet they would all say Pope holds his own.
Not only is he as bright and cunning as any coach out there in the game today, he's got a vision and we're seeing it unfold.
Making the sweet sixteen this year, in the face of everything that happened, and all the "adversity" is a vindication of his ability more than a reason to question if he was a very good hire or not. At least 3 or 4 times this year the headlines were : "Coach pope and Kentucky faces adversity" ... the next headline the following day was : "Coach Pope and Kentucky successfully navigate adversity" .... how he kept the ship from sinking with the injuries was again, even MORE of a masterful coaching job, not good, not very good - but GREAT.
I said all along getting players like Chandler, Noah and Perry to so quickly be thrust into hardcore minutes and having success with them as a team was that much MORE of an indication as to his coaching prowess. I only think someone like Coach Pitino or a Coach Izzo might've been able to so successfully navigate the kind of eyar Coach pope has had to here at Kentucky, and get at least his results so far.
Absolutely he is a very good hire. The ultimate question is, will it be GREAT (A Home Run) hire.
I already say he is a great hire for Kentucky.
I'll stand right beside him every single day. He has a great personality and is well respected amongst his peers and is very intelligent. A truly good hearted and natured man and human being.... he's a "salt of the Earth" kind of person, as my father would have said about him. He loved Cap as a player. I can see poppa sitting in his rocking chair beside me silently smoking and nodding in agreement with me, by the way .... They're watching ^^^^^ upstairs ^^^^
I feel in my heart Kentucky is on the verge of blowing up on everyone again .... Another GOLDEN ERA.
I feel it in the air. I can sense it is coming again. I'm seeing it here and there again, in the little ways and in the big ways and hear it in people's voice now and see it in their faces when they talk about Kentucky now. It's changed.
When a Kentucky basketball player that eats a (although #1 in the United Kingdom) breakfast cereal and it's unheard of here in the U.S. and suddenly becomes the hottest breakfast item in the country - overnight ? Because our big guy Amari Williams likes them? Now everyone's eating them ?
are you kidding me ?

I'm ordering now as we speak. Special delivery. I'm really looking forward to my bowl of Weetabix with warm milk and pure cane sugar! (NO sugar substitute FTW !)
If that isn't "the Needle" pointing the way, then I don't know what else I need to see or experience.
And this team, this family, ain't done yet !!
So far, my 1000% positive support being all in for Kentucky and Coach Pope still has me standing. I'm waiting for the bandwagon to grow - especially after this year. Just seeing the joy and happiness come back for a little ole' sweet sixteen appearance around here ...
you'd have thought Coach Pope would've had some kind of immediate post-game cutting down of the nets for making a sweet sixteen appearance, right ? Popcorn boxes already printed for next year to commemorate and rings for all the players .....
ahhhh ... it wasn't THAT BAD around here ..... nah.
So you all go on ahead and remember the Runt was here at the beginning of all this. I'm all in with Pope for the long road here. We got THE MAN now, and he loves us as much as we do him.
That's why it will not fail.
Love !
Love me some Kentucky Basketball ! Love me some Coach Pope !
Runt's rant #3,712 over
Go Big Blue !