Florida family whose house was hit by ISS debris sues NASA for $80K


Mar 21, 2008
113 Florida family files claim with NASA after ISS space junk crashes into home

Josh Dinner said:
The growing problem of space debris isn't just one that plagues Earth's orbit. Several instances of space trash crashing back down to Earth have made recent headlines, and one family is requesting that NASA pay for the damages.

The space agency has a claim on its hands after a chunk of space junk crashed through Alejandro Otero's seaside home in Naples, Florida. The incident occurred on March 8, as debris tore through the roof and two floors of his family home, nearly hitting his son, Otero said in a now-deleted post on X.

NASA has since confirmed the debris came from a 2.9-ton pallet of used batteries jettisoned from the International Space Station in March of 2021; the structure was expected to burn up completely in Earth's atmosphere. Otero speculated as much in posts online following the incident, and voiced his expectation that the responsible parties be held accountable. "[The Otero family is] grateful that no one sustained physical injuries from this incident, but a 'near miss' situation such as this could have been catastrophic," said Mica Nguyen Worthy in a statement from the law firm representing the family.

In the letter, Worthy points out that, under the Space Liability Convention, NASA would be liable had the debris caused damage in another country, and thinks that policy should apply within the United States as well. "We have asked NASA not to apply a different standard towards U.S. citizens or residents, but instead to take care of the Oteros and make them whole," Worthy said.

The incident has the potential to set a precedent for governments and private space companies in terms of how compensation could be handled for victims of similar incidents in the future. Though their damage was less severe than that caused at the Otero home, several other reports of crashing space debris have occurred in the past year as well, including portions of a SpaceX Dragon trunk found in Canada and North Carolina, and a piece of an Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) rocket landing on a beach in Australia.

"Here, the U.S. government, through NASA, has an opportunity to set the standard or 'set a precedent' as to what responsible, safe, and sustainable space operations ought to look like. If NASA were to take the position that the Oteros' claims should be paid in full, it would send a strong signal to both other governments and private industries that such victims should be compensated regardless of fault," Worthy said.

Naples Daily News: Naples family seeking damages from NASA for space debris that crashed into home

CBS News: Florida family whose roof hit by debris from space station sues NASA for damages

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

It's not likely, but with thousands of satellites currently in orbit, it would really suck if any American stuff crashed into a busy street in Beijing or Moscow or somewhere like that, or if any foreign stuff crashed here in the U.S.
Yeah, just sounds low for the repair.

This could be the portion of what insurance isn’t covering?

Maybe insurance doesn’t cover space debris

Ok, those houses are about 1 million per Zillow.

From the cbs article

The claim includes noninsured property damage loss, business interruption damages, emotional and mental anguish damages and costs for assistance from third parties, the release said.

So they are looking to recover what insurance wouldn’t cover. Probably the roof was paid out at actual cash value and not what it would cost to replace it.

Can you imagine getting killed by a two pound piece of space debris? Just a F you in particular from god
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Yeah, just sounds low for the repair.

This could be the portion of what insurance isn’t covering?

Maybe insurance doesn’t cover space debris

Ok, those houses are about 1 million per Zillow.

From the cbs article

The claim includes noninsured property damage loss, business interruption damages, emotional and mental anguish damages and costs for assistance from third parties, the release said.

So they are looking to recover what insurance wouldn’t cover. Probably the roof was paid out at actual cash value and not what it would cost to replace it.

Can you imagine getting killed by a two pound piece of space debris? Just a F you in particular from god
What a way to go lol. A 2 pound missile from space.
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I think insurance would cover that part.
Not so sure about that. Changed insurance recently and everything is an extra it seems. I'm like 300 miles from the New Madrid fault line. I've only felt one earthquake here in Louisville in 46 years. The most recent one caused very minor damage to some old building/s downtown. I didn't even notice it while at work when it supposedly happened.

I have to pay extra if I want earthquake coverage on my insurance. I'm not in a flood zone, but I believe that is also extra. Coverage for my guns was extra. If I wanted my phone covered it's extra. So I wouldn't be surprised if space debris coverage becomes an extra with how much of it is up there.
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Flood and earthquake has always been separate.
The point is everything is extra with them. So expect this to be an option. Who would actually pay for that? You probably have a better shot at winning the lottery than your home being hit by space debris, but they still would probably force you to pay extra for the coverage.