Five national TV games for Kentucky on CBS

Always pumped to see the Cats play on CBS....always prefer CBS to ESPN. Feel like the whole production is a step up, from better replays to better commentary (usually). Wish UK played more often on CBS!
Except they flood the entire game with commercials - way more than ESPN. I'm convinced part of their TV deals with the NCAA is to get an extra minute on timeouts and about 5 on halftime to run more ads. It's just painful.
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Except they flood the entire game with commercials - way more than ESPN. I'm convinced part of their TV deals with the NCAA is to get an extra minute on timeouts and about 5 on halftime to run more ads. It's just painful.
Rather see an extra commercial than espn interviewing the swim coach who is in the stands for 5 minutes while the game is being played (and camera on the swim coach vs the actual game).
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Always pumped to see the Cats play on CBS....always prefer CBS to ESPN. Feel like the whole production is a step up, from better replays to better commentary (usually). Wish UK played more often on CBS!

Is it only football that is impacted in terms of TV rights starting next season? I thought I heard SEC is going all ESPN next year but wasn't sure if that was just football.
I don’t like our SEC games on CBS. My local channel (middle of Tobacco Road, in Raleigh) often replaces it with an ACC game.
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I don’t like our SEC games on CBS. My local channel often replaces it with an ACC game.

I get it. I recall back in the 80's seeing ads on CBS for an upcoming UK game and checking the local paper's TV schedule to make sure UK was playing ONLY to suddenly watch the local TV station switch to Purdue playing Minnesota State.

I also recall the days of turning on the NCAA tournament just to see UK play for 2 minutes before CBS switched to a regional broadcast of Rhode Island playing somebody else I didn't care about.

Even when I lived in western Kentucky, I recall the Cape station preempting the NCAA preseason special for an INFOMERCIAL!

From Billy Packer to Nora O'Donnell, I don't think CBS knows anything about objectivity.
Oh no not CBS???!!! What will we do without the split screen interviews during game action??!! The nonsensical dialogue while play is going on??!! The endless mentions of Ratface (even though he retired two years ago)??!! Stop the insanity!!!! I can't take it!!!!
Is it only football that is impacted in terms of TV rights starting next season? I thought I heard SEC is going all ESPN next year but wasn't sure if that was just football.
I am pretty sure that it is only football. At least I look at it this way...for basketball, they call it the NCAA on CBS, for football, it is called the SEC on CBS.

Somebody who is in the know can keep me honest, but don't think basketball is effected.
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