FIT.Y.E.R.O. (Meathead, wellness, fitness, diet, exercise) Thread

- life is too short to forgo all delicious food that happens to cause Chonkening. Moderation atkot.

- I wish I was one of those women who could keep up 4-5 days a week of workouts through pregnancy, but I ain't. And that's okay. Baby boy is getting big. Pretty much feel like I'm walking around with a basketball strapped to me at 29 weeks. My obliques are hanging on for dear life. Box squats and sumo deadlifts still feel pretty damn good, but things like tying my shoes or rising from the couch? GTFO. Wheezy F Baby over here.

- Have to admit I'm getting pretty pumped about the light at the end of the tunnel now that I'm in third tri. I know plenty can happen in delivery that could significantly complicate my recovery and the resumption of my normal fitness routine (not to mention a newborn), but now that there's a delivery date looming, I can actually contemplate an actual return. I had to scale back training after my last meet in August 2022 because I had to stop the fun vitamins for a bit before we started trying, then it took a year to conceive, and now I'm large marge growing this baby. I am very much looking forward to Return of the Mack Pretzel, whatever that looks like post-partum. I have a couple goals in mind by kid's first birthday, but I'm not getting too attached to those just yet. I don't know if I'll logistically be able to compete again, but I feel optimistic about being physically able to do it, and that's huge. In the meantime, trying to stay grounded in keeping up sufficient fitness/mobility to try to facilitate a smooth-ish delivery, at least as much as one can. Hopefully I can just yeet this baby right out when he's ready. Fingers crossed.
I am new to this thread and believe something I ran across earlier today may be of interest to you. The speaker is a preacher that is discussing Fetal Microchimerism. An amazing benefit of motherhood that is an eye opener.

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