First game hot takes

You are going to take a lot of heat for this one.

My hot take is simply that Wagner is not our best point guard, nor should he be in the starting lineup.

A second take is that Thiero is the most important player on this team. He’s very active defensively and on the boards and he looks to dunk every time he blows by his man. I think he’s the glue and we need him on the court even if he’s not scoring. There are very few guys on this team that can make huge impacts without scoring, but he’s one of them.
Spacing and defense should be much better this year. We can't win the titles we want without at least 1 of the bigs being really good.
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Dillingham is in the same mold of Wall and Fox: Guards that we can generally trust to get the job done and not disappear. It's something we haven't had in a few years, and I think he's going to quickly pass guys like Cason and TyTy.

Just feels like he's ready. He knows he can play at this level from day 1, and has next level ability. It's been a while since I've seen that from our guards.
You are going to take a lot of heat for this one.

My hot take is simply that Wagner is not our best point guard, nor should he be in the starting lineup.

A second take is that Thiero is the most important player on this team. He’s very active defensively and on the boards and he looks to dunk every time he blows by his man. I think he’s the glue and we need him on the court even if he’s not scoring. There are very few guys on this team that can make huge impacts without scoring, but he’s one of them.
I love Wagner when he's not jacking up threes. That's not his game. Just bring the energy on both sides of the ball. Attack and get to the rim. Loved his second half!
My hot take is that Edwards isn't the dog I was expecting. To me he seems timid and reactionary instead of dictating and taking. I thought he was going to be some relentless dog. It's early, I know, but I'm not blown away. You can throw any numbers you want at me, but I'm simply going eye test.
He’s way behind what I thought I’d see but I think he’ll be much better with a big man on the floor with him.
My hot take is that Edwards isn't the dog I was expecting. To me he seems timid and reactionary instead of dictating and taking. I thought he was going to be some relentless dog. It's early, I know, but I'm not blown away. You can throw any numbers you want at me, but I'm simply going eye test.
I’ve been saying this for weeks. I thought he came out aggressive then disappeared
I’ve been saying this for weeks. I thought he came out aggressive then disappeared
He’s gonna figure it out and be really good, he showed his skills early against K state but again this team spreads it around. He’s got everything to be really good. I’m not worried about him at all.
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My hot take is that Edwards isn't the dog I was expecting. To me he seems timid and reactionary instead of dictating and taking. I thought he was going to be some relentless dog. It's early, I know, but I'm not blown away. You can throw any numbers you want at me, but I'm simply going eye test.
He’s definitely not the first pick in the draft.
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My hot take is that Edwards isn't the dog I was expecting. To me he seems timid and reactionary instead of dictating and taking. I thought he was going to be some relentless dog. It's early, I know, but I'm not blown away. You can throw any numbers you want at me, but I'm simply going eye test.
He’s being asked to be a PF, his skill set is mismatching the 3/4 IMO. Not posted on the block.
Looked like they wanted to pad stats. But whatever - I don’t really care about what motivates them to play hard at that stage.
And guys like you complain when we don't run up a score and get all over Cal for not pounding a team. Just can't win on this board and it's funny because it's so predictable.
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My hot take is that Edwards isn't the dog I was expecting. To me he seems timid and reactionary instead of dictating and taking. I thought he was going to be some relentless dog. It's early, I know, but I'm not blown away. You can throw any numbers you want at me, but I'm simply going eye test.
Willing to give him some time adjusting to college game and on the big stage. I still have faith he'll make us very happy as the season develops.
He’s being asked to be a PF, his skill set is mismatching the 3/4 IMO. Not posted on the block.
Maybe. But I'm not seeing him being able to create. I don't see strong handles. I don't see instinctual transition game. And I don't see high motor rebounds. Not trying to be overly critical after a small snippet. I'm just not seeing a top lotto pick.