Fayette County Schools Awareness šŸ˜ Post

Also after digging around on their website and looking at the salary schedules it seems those DEIB and LGBTQ positions are just supplemental pay for a teacher in the building. It doesnā€™t appear to be a dedicated position
To pay for something like that is hilarious.

I did feel my public school was lacking a LGBTQIA advisor.

Wouldā€™ve thought the ole classic counselors could cover it.
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Only the high schools have LGBT advisors.
Two of my grandchildren had to live with me after "CHRISTmas Break" and go to school in Jefferson County. Both elementary students K/2nd. The school rating from curriculum to teachers was C- or below except one...drum roll please!. It was a B+ in the BIG D program. One brought home ZERO HW assignments or updates the entire last session. Will be back in Indiana for fall.
Talked to a 12 year old that lives across the street from me tonight and he starts to a new school this fall. Told me he wasn't looking forward to it because it has such a bad reputation...fights, etc. Told him to make friends with the kids that weren't trouble makers and work hard on his studies. He's biracial so we'll see how that goes.
Gay students exist. Always have.

Most used to be ostracized and brutally bullied in my day (late 90s). Using counselors equipped to deal with those specific issues doesnā€™t seem bad to me.

Am I missing an opportunity to get mad at the gays? Iā€™m confused about what youā€™re pissed off about here.
My kids went to school in the 60s and 70s. My best friend growing up, on a farm mind you, had a gay son a bit younger than my youngest. He took him out of public schools because he was bullied and beat up all the time. The kid could work like a mule, always at the top of the barn when we were hanging tobacco, but he happened to be gay. He killed himself when he was probably late 20s, early 30s. If there were counselors in schools then or a little bit more understanding, he would have been a great person, because he was smart as shit and hard working. He just didn't fit in down in the country. I hate that. That is a big reason why I lean a little more left that some of you socially. I've seen a very good friend, with a very good kid, suffer from people that aren't willing to accept that some people are different than you.
To pay for something like that is hilarious.

I did feel my public school was lacking a LGBTQIA advisor.

Wouldā€™ve thought the ole classic counselors could cover it.

I bet they get paid maybe 2-3K extra on top of their teacher salary.

Effing hilarious.
Two of my grandchildren had to live with me after "CHRISTmas Break" and go to school in Jefferson County. Both elementary students K/2nd. The school rating from curriculum to teachers was C- or below except one...drum roll please!. It was a B+ in the BIG D program. One brought home ZERO HW assignments or updates the entire last session. Will be back in Indiana for fall.
Talked to a 12 year old that lives across the street from me tonight and he starts to a new school this fall. Told me he wasn't looking forward to it because it has such a bad reputation...fights, etc. Told him to make friends with the kids that weren't trouble makers and work hard on his studies. He's biracial so we'll see how that goes.

Why did your grandchildren have to live with you?
Also after digging around on their website and looking at the salary schedules it seems those DEIB and LGBTQ positions are just supplemental pay for a teacher in the building. It doesnā€™t appear to be a dedicated position
I can confirm this is true for my kids' school in Fayette County. It's not a full time position but rather a teacher who is also fulfilling this role.
I bet they get paid maybe 2-3K extra on top of their teacher salary.

Effing hilarious.
Hilarious...ridiculous...whatever word you want to use.

Wonder what special training they have received to deal in these matters that school counselors have not?...or maybe the current school counselor should be docked pay if they cannot handle all students?...what happens if they are great with the Ls and Gs, but struggle with the Ts...get another advisor for the Ts?

You'll have to excuse me if I scoff at ridiculous public school spending...our superintendent just received a $75,000 raise after a shit covid response, shitty staffing, shitty school starting time updates and shitty results.

effing hilarious
Gay students exist. Always have.

Most used to be ostracized and brutally bullied in my day (late 90s). Using counselors equipped to deal with those specific issues doesnā€™t seem bad to me.

Are teachers certified in math and English trained to give mental health counseling?

Isnā€™t that what the building counselors are for?
Hilarious...ridiculous...whatever word you want to use.

Wonder what special training they have received to deal in these matters that school counselors have not?...or maybe the current school counselor should be docked pay if they cannot handle all students?...what happens if they are great with the Ls and Gs, but struggle with the Ts...get another advisor for the Ts?

You'll have to excuse me if I scoff at ridiculous public school spending...our superintendent just received a $75,000 raise after a shit covid response, shitty staffing, shitty school starting time updates and shitty results.

effing hilarious

Yeah, you suck.
Are teachers certified in math and English trained to give mental health counseling?

Isnā€™t that what the building counselors are for?

Iā€™m assuming they could attend various classes or training sessions in the summer or part of a continuing education initiative. It is possible to learn new things in a short period of time.

I still fail to see why some of yā€™all are upset over this. Preventing even one teenage suicide is worth whatever money it costs to train these teachers to offer such counseling. Furthermore, some of the teachers could be LGBTQ themselves, therefore offering a lifetime of personal experience with said issue.

Seeing what theyā€™re paying these teachers for this counseling, itā€™s about akin to the extra money teachers make coaching sports teams or supervising an extracurricular activity such as academic team or drama club.
My kids went to school in the 60s and 70s. My best friend growing up, on a farm mind you, had a gay son a bit younger than my youngest. He took him out of public schools because he was bullied and beat up all the time. The kid could work like a mule, always at the top of the barn when we were hanging tobacco, but he happened to be gay. He killed himself when he was probably late 20s, early 30s. If there were counselors in schools then or a little bit more understanding, he would have been a great person, because he was smart as shit and hard working. He just didn't fit in down in the country. I hate that. That is a big reason why I lean a little more left that some of you socially. I've seen a very good friend, with a very good kid, suffer from people that aren't willing to accept that some people are different than you.
BBB...How old are you dude? I graduated in '69.
Furthermore, some of the teachers could be LGBTQ themselves, therefore offering a lifetime of personal experience with said issue.

NO. This isn't teaching someone how to cut a 2x4 in shop class. And the LAST think we need are wack teachers relaying their own experiences to least authorized (it goes on now, regardless)
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Iā€™m assuming they could attend various classes or training sessions in the summer or part of a continuing education initiative. It is possible to learn new things in a short period of time.

I still fail to see why some of yā€™all are upset over this. Preventing even one teenage suicide is worth whatever money it costs to train these teachers to offer such counseling. Furthermore, some of the teachers could be LGBTQ themselves, therefore offering a lifetime of personal experience with said issue.

Seeing what theyā€™re paying these teachers for this counseling, itā€™s about akin to the extra money teachers make coaching sports teams or supervising an extracurricular activity such as academic team or drama club.
Iā€™m merely questioning the logic. A few trainings doesnā€™t quite seem to be the same as a professional certification or endorsement. In fact, that seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I just donā€™t quite see how continually finding separate/special accommodations helps solve the inclusion/outsider issue that apparently exists.

And if a position is necessary to prevent suicide, it shouldnā€™t be a math teacher making 2k extra to counsel.
Iā€™m all for mental health support for teenagers. Not sure about FCPS specifically, but I know that the Kentucky School Sytsem average is 1 counselor per every 278 students. Thatā€™s below the 1-250 national average. Thereā€™s no question that we have a huge mental health crisis in this country so I would say both of those numbers are too low. Addressing mental health issues early in peopleā€™s lives by having more resources & outlets available in schools is a solid plan.

Having said all thatā€¦I donā€™t think a regular teacher (regardless of their preferred pronouns) with a little extra training in the summer is the answer for a group that has high suicide rates. Instead, I would opt for adding a counselor in every school. If you donā€™t have the money in your district to do so then axe one (or more) of the useless administration jobs. Iā€™d start with the DEI department.
What if they were there to provide a place for these kids to feel a connection and connect with others in a similar situation.

And letā€™s say a kid was having suicidal thoughts, do you all really think this advisor is the final firewall between them and suicide? No, they are likely trained to get that kid passed on to a professional.

Maybe LowerLevelSucksA can ask FCPS to provide him with the job description for this advisor position. Instead he will just sit back and worry about the gays.