It’s really not that hard. Yeah winning is the most important but as long as we feel that something is building we can handle a bad season. I mean even Pitino’s first year we were estatic because it was a fun style and we could see a future. As long as the coach appears competent and treats the fanbase with respect they will work.I think it's interesting that talking heads always evaluated potential UK coaches by their ability to navigate the circus. People like Calipari and Pearl were mentioned because of their huge personalities and ability to craft narratives (at least Cal did before 2020).
In hindsight, all we needed was a guy who has the class to relate with the fans on a compassionate, caring level. Winning helps too, of course.
He would have made a hell of a medical school teacher too.Our gain is the medical field's loss. No doubt Mark Pope would have made a great effective compassionate Doctor.
The Arkansas fans already see that about Cal. They are already like he doesn’t even wear red that much. Apparently he wore a lot of UK blue his first couple weeks around town too. A lot of em are ticked because he pulled the “this is Calipari U crap.” He’s not winning early so it’s really not hitting home. He won’t be there long if they don’t win big at the end of this year or next.Tubby was classy as hell too. Cal had his moments too but it always felt just a little phoney for some reason.
Pope seems genuine.
I believe I could kill for this man. Absolutely the right coachHe went up, grabbed a chair, and had a little conversation with the man. The right man for the job. Nobody I'd rather have bar none.