Evan Daniels says hold the phone

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Good question, although as a Duke fan I'm happy to contribute to the tangent by saying that you guys losing to WI was better for you than if you'd lost to us in the Finals.
I go back and forth on this - I do think in the end that a Wiscy loss in the F4 would be less painful.

But you guys were a worthy champ - there were four teams last year (five including pre-injury Virginia) who would have been #1 almost any other year, and Duke had to be the strongest #2 team since - I dunno, a healthy 12 UNC? 05 Illinois?

Badass year of basketball.
The thing I take away most from this thread is that Brianpoe, likes A LOT of different threads, LOL!
Heard of a letdown game? Duke was going to win it all after Wisconsin beat us.. Wisconsin won their title on that Saturday.

Had Wisconsin played any other team besides us in the semifinals they would have beat Duke.
Had we played anyone else, we would be celebrating number 9.

Wisconsin was on a mission all year long. To beat us in the tournament. We would have won 8 out of 10 times, we just happened to get caught on the bad end that night. I was there and will never forget it. Worst defeat I've ever experienced. Will never get over it.

Are you serious, as a Carolina fan I hate Duke more then you do, they don't even consider Kentucky a rival. First off Duke beat Wisconsin twice, 2nd time they beat them with there 2 best players on the bench in foul trouble.

How do you know that Kentucky would beat Wisky 8 out of 10 games? Get real man, Kentucky lost move on, they had a great season. Stop hating Duke won, they are the champs.
We weren't that deep last year, especially after Poythress went down.

We started five - then Booker, Ulis and Dakari were our 3 off the bench - Lee hardly played down the stretch and Dakari completely stunk, his minutes evaporated as well.
As a UK fan since 1961 I have learned three important things to not dwell on.

One, we are not winning every game. Two, we are not gona get every player and three the NCAA tournament is a crap shot even when you have the best team and players or not.

So for all you newbie fans, critical old timers, haters, trolls, band wagon jumpers, idiots, compulsive liers, s--t starters, obsessive with everything UK, bridge jumpers, Cal haters, TraitorRick lovers we are not the recruiters, were not the coaches and we are not on the court playing so we only have two choices whether your chair back lower, knees in your back upper, couch or bar sitting.....You either enjoy the ride or not. Enjoying is so much easier on your life when it comes to a game played by KIDS.
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Agreed. After any loss, I do some devotional meditation and become at peace with the loss. Great gratitude to the Buddha for what his teachings have given us.
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We weren't that deep last year, especially after Poythress went down.

We started five - then Booker, Ulis and Dakari were our 3 off the bench - Lee hardly played down the stretch and Dakari completely stunk, his minutes evaporated as well.
We weren't deep because we lost Alex? We were the deepest team in talent and players with experience.. Dakari and Marcus both played hella last year and were the reason we beat Michigan. Along with twins and willie.. And we weren't that deep? Please.... Excuses.. Kentucky was deep as hell last year, don't know what you saw bro..
A bunch of you sound like a team in state we hate so much, but do the same thing. Quit saying Duke gets this, Duke got that. To be real with you, give me 6-7 talented, not over confident guys, over 9-10 guys who think they can just show up, play 80% effort and cruise. Over confident can be a very, very, detrimental character trait. Last years team had it. Look back, we could have easily of been 34-5 or 33-6 because of the very thing.. Ulis even said it, he was getting frustrated that guys where over confident. It showed, we did not lay it all on the line, we come up short, it happens, no excuses. Hell, our coach said it, "I never thought we would lose." He was to. Wisconsin scrapped, fought like it could be their last game, look at the 50/50 balls, it is a great indicator, we played like Monday was going to be our last game.
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link is not working
could you provide another?
The correspondence between Daniels and Matt seems to be private now.

But here is Zag re: the announcement.. again, like Daniels, questioning how much knowledge the Canadian reporter has
A bunch of you sound like a team in state we hate so much, but do the same thing. Quit saying Duke gets this, Duke got that. To be real with you, give me 6-7 talented, not over confident guys, over 9-10 guys who think they can just show up, play 80% effort and cruise. Over confident can be a very, very, detrimental character trait. Last years team had it. Look back, we could have easily of been 34-5 or 33-6 because of the very thing.. Ulis even said it, he was getting frustrated that guys where over confident. It showed, we did not lay it all on the line, we come up short, it happens, no excuses. Hell, our coach said it, "I never thought we would lose." He was to. Wisconsin scrapped, fought like it could be their last game, look at the 50/50 balls, it is a great indicator, we played like Monday was going to be our last game.

Yeah, the problem is you assume the 6-7 guys won't be "overconfident" and you are way off on last year's team. That team always laid it on the line when it mattered...except for that bizarre stretch in the Wisconsin game. And even then it took some bad officiating and a circus shot from Dekker to beat UK.
Practice was hella competitive last year and what happened? Thank you ....

What happened? Umm, we went 38-1.

I'm amazed how many comments I'm hearing lately making it sound like last season was a failure because we lost one game in the Final Four to a tremendous Wisconsin team, nevermind the incredible 38-0 run before that, the last game is the only part their dim little heads seem to be able remember. Knuckleheads with no perspective at all.
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What happened? Umm, we went 38-1.

I'm amazed how many comments I'm hearing lately making it sound like last season was a sad failure because we lost one game in the Final Four to a tremendous Wisconsin team, nevermind the incredible 38-0 part before that, the last game is the only part their dim little heads seem to be able remember. Knuckleheads with no perspective at all.
I was commenting on a post about practice being non competitive this year. I never said the season was a failure..
That was the clear implication of your post. You were suggesting that last season's results show that having such competitive practices did not make a difference--which is utter nonsense. Considering we went on a staggering 38-0 tear and ran roughshod over the college basketball world, I'd say the evidence suggests that practice competition helped us a LOT. That isn't changed by one heartbreaking loss to a superb team at the end.
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I was commenting on a post about practice being non competitive this year. I never said the season was a failure..

I think that was his point. Practice was very competitive (I guess that's what you meant by "hella") last year. It led to the most wins in the history of college basketball in a single season. The team was among the most dominant in recent memory.

Practice will be somewhat less competitive this year due to a normal depth chart as opposed to the freakish depth chart from last year.

(What's "hella"? I speak several languages including the King's English, Southern drawl, Kentuckianese, Red Neckian, Cajunish, New Joisy whine and mostly Hay Seed Whang. Never heard of "Hella" and it wasn't in Webster's, at least my edition.)
Hella = very.

Started sometime around the early 2000s and grew. You can assume anyone that uses it seriously in conversation is a industrial sized bag of douche.
Tell ya what bro.. I see you live in Mt Juliet and just so happens I'm in Brentwood.. Not to much for me to take time meeting up like men and handling some business... You wanna get worked, just let me know.. Ole bitch..
I sincerely feel sorry for anyone who believes he or she is a Kentucky basketball fan and yet considers last year a failure and last year's players losers.

Kentucky spent the entire season on top of the basketball world. The team delivered crushing defeats to Kansas, to North Carolina, to Louisville. There were moments of overwhelming basketball prowess like the UCLA game. Then, the team found ways to gut out wins in overtime, double overtime, and several other very close games. On top of that, they were genuinely good kids who made us proud to be Kentucky fans -- no PJ Hairstons getting busted for guns and drugs, no Lance Thomases pawning $100,000 in jewelry.

They made a run to the Final Four, always a notable accomplishment, and they became the first team in history to go 38-0 while winning the SEC regular season and tournament. And then they lost a close game, under tough circumstances, to a very good Wisconsin team.

I've been a Kentucky fan for more than 50 years. Trust me, it isn't going to get better than last year very often. If you didn't enjoy the season, and take pride in what the team accomplished, I honestly believe you are making a huge mistake to be a Kentucky Wildcat fan. You are going to be miserable many times for every time you are satisfied.

Spare yourself the pain, and us the embarrassment of being associated with you, and find another way to spend your time.
Just tired of dudes smart ass mouth.. Not about being immature and I got outta line I know but he's always got something smart ass to say. It's like a clan of tools on here sometimes. God help us if someone has an opinion that doesn't fit right with others. Say something about practice and everybody turns it into ( the season was a loss ) and I'm not a fan or some shit..
All Jason Spear does is run his mouth and bad mouth posters, he's been doing it for years and posters allow it and act like hes cool because he has "some" believing the absurd notion that he is some sort of 'insider' when in fact he's no different than the rest of us. He also hero worships Marc Maggard! He along with a handful of others get on here daily and trash posters more than they talk about basketball...don't look like it's gonna change much either.
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If the fight happens, make sure one of you wears a GoPro. Or someone rent a drone. Either one.

Jason probably already has a GoPro to document his redonkulous half court shot skills, so that could be the best bet.
Tell ya what bro.. I see you live in Mt Juliet and just so happens I'm in Brentwood.. Not to much for me to take time meeting up like men and handling some business... You wanna get worked, just let me know.. Ole bitch..

Wow you've gone from making stupid arguments using stupid words lobbing stupid childish fight threats.... Congrats on a fine job embarrassing yourself on this thread.
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If the fight happens, make sure one of you wears a GoPro. Or someone rent a drone. Either one.

Jason probably already has a GoPro to document his redonkulous half court shot skills, so that could be the best bet.
Jason Spear is so big time on the recruiting scene he probably has body guards. He would be hard to get too, he's sort of like the new World Wide Wes with all his connections through maggard.
Tell ya what bro.. I see you live in Mt Juliet and just so happens I'm in Brentwood.. Not to much for me to take time meeting up like men and handling some business... You wanna get worked, just let me know.. Ole bitch..

Are you a chronic bitch or something? Good lord, son.
Tell ya what bro.. I see you live in Mt Juliet and just so happens I'm in Brentwood.. Not to much for me to take time meeting up like men and handling some business... You wanna get worked, just let me know.. Ole bitch..

I ain't lookin' for a fight, but I ain't backin' down from one either. Tell ya what, come on out to Minsk and we'll talk about it.
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Thanks .. Im saying practice doesn't matter, just that they had a loaded team and competitive practices and still didn't garantee anything..

Guarantees? I'm not sure that competitive practices will ever guarantee a national championship but it had to make them feel like they could play with anyone in the nation as a player. Funny when we were missing free throws in years's past, people were saying that not practicing free throws was killing us and now we are hearing that practice doesn't matter. Well Iverson agrees with you so that is one person.
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