ESPN's Myron Medcalfe says KU's streak of B-12 titles most impressive feat in college bball

I consider the article very useful and insightful. I learned one very valuable thing.

Another idiot sports author to ignore. I'd never have learned this without the article. Gotta appreciate value when you can find it.

I wish I could give your post a "double like" or maybe even a "triple like." As it is, I had to just give it a "like."
I wish I could give your post a "double like" or maybe even a "triple like." As it is, I had to just give it a "like."

LOL. Frankly, I don't know what to say. I had to read it twice. First time I thought it was a parody or a tongue in cheek piece but I never got to the punch line. I read it again and realized, my gosh, he's serious.
We didn't tout it, the national media did (see linked article above). It's okay for a school to get national recognition about their accomplishments. It doesn't diminish Kentucky's accomplishments.

Do you need a hug?
No your collective fan base needs a hug. I was actually the only one in this thread that gave you a slimmer of props. Do you know how many times I have ventured to Kansas' board? None. I do not understand why you venture over to defend Kansas on a UK message board. We aren't even rivals. Our rival is Louisville who is soon going to pass you. Do you know how pathetic that is? They are a commuter school. Go defend yourself on Wichita St message board. Don't let the fact that they sent you and your hair piece coach home last year stop you. Jesus you lost to them by almost 15 points[roll][roll]BIG 12 TITLE THOUGH!!!!!1!
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Would you include Robert Morris in that list too?

Try to win a clean championship for once.

Oh and nice locker room. Lol. Self decided to make his locker room identical to ours, except using a much older banner to do it. Nice try.

San Francisco

Pretty wild you hang out around here while being sandwiched between Louisville and Florida. Why don't you go hang out on the little brother board of Louisville and let the big bro's chill. You can't talk and bullshit your way into a conversation with the blue bloods. You have to earn that, and playing a bunch of games doesn't give it to you like some believe.

Or maybe just own your own state from mid majors.
So, I just checked this out. During the last 11 NCAA tournaments -- the period of Kansas' hugely impressive streak -- do you know how many Big-12 teams other than Kansas (twice) made the Final Four?

If you said ZERO, you know your Big-12 basketball.

By the way, that streak of conference championships? FIVE of the 11 were ties with at least one other team. But I guess that counts.
Five of the 11 were ties? Why is anyone even talking about this? Holy ish.
Try to win a clean championship for once.

Oh and nice locker room. Lol. Self decided to make his locker room identical to ours, except using a much older banner to do it. Nice try.

San Francisco

Pretty wild you hang out around here while being sandwiched between UCLA and Indiana. Why don't you go hang out on the little brother board of Louisville and let the big bro's chill. You can't talk and bullshit your way into a conversation with the blue bloods. You have to earn that, and playing a bunch of games doesn't give it to you like some believe.

Or maybe just own your own state from mid majors.

I take that as a YES then. From recent quotes from 2016 and 2017 recruits, I think Kansas's new locker rooms and dorms are perceived nicer than yours. Looking forward to the game on Jan-30th.
I take that as a YES then. From recent quotes from 2016 and 2017 recruits, I think Kansas's new locker rooms and dorms are perceived nicer than yours. Looking forward to the game on Jan-30th.
You guys try hard but continue not to be in UK's class. Call us when you reach 8 national championships. The gnats keep buzzing.
I take that as a YES then. From recent quotes from 2016 and 2017 recruits, I think Kansas's new locker rooms and dorms are perceived nicer than yours. Looking forward to the game on Jan-30th.

WIll Kansas tie Uconn in chanpionships in your lifetime?

Will Florida catch Kansas? It's close.

And no, if I were you I wouldn't enjoy another beat down. You're the bitch, don't forget it.

In your dreams your facilities are nicer. F'ing dreams.

Keep chasing.
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We didn't tout it, the national media did (see linked article above). It's okay for a school to get national recognition about their accomplishments. It doesn't diminish Kentucky's accomplishments.

Do you need a hug?

You sure must need a hug from Kentucky fans, as you're are always over here, due to your insecurity, of course.

And if a hug is a raised middle finger, you've sure got one from me.
To show how stupid that is. UK won the 2010 SEC regular season championship but failed to make the Final 4. In 2011 UK made the Final 4 but didn't win the SEC regular season championship. Now which one would you choose? I wouldn't trade 1 Final 4 for 10 regular season championships.
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The bigger mystery is how does Self have 2 national sports personalities so loyal? Goodman and Medcalfe are basically his personal PR machines.