Absolutely all you guys are right. Duke and to a lesser extent N.C. get ridiculous favoritism. But they could not ignore us last year until the Wisconsin game. I personally thought the season long "PURSUIT OF PERFECTION" publicity was pretty cool and impossible to ignore. I thought we got some decent ink.No fan should be going to ESPN to get their sports info and giving them hits anyway.
Absolutely all you guys are right. Duke and to a lesser extent N.C. get ridiculous favoritism. But they could not ignore us last year until the Wisconsin game. I personally thought the season long "PURSUIT OF PERFECTION" publicity was pretty cool and impossible to ignore. I thought we got some decent ink.
All except the few who are "too damn cool" to buy into reality.
Everything is fair in their eyes. Lol.
No fan should be going to ESPN to get their sports info and giving them hits anyway.
Reality? You know this factually? That's good. I think you stand to come into a lot of money. You are basically accusing ESPN of totally lacking journalistic integrity. Competing sports outlets would pay a lot of money for that data. It would be worth even more if it were conspiratorial in nature.
But you can't prove anything that would hold up under scrutiny. You can't demonstrate a solid case that they are undermining Kentucky nor that they are tearing everyone else down while building up only those two teams. I think there's little doubt that Duke and INC sells good so they get covered. ESPN is a business. We sell good so we get coverage too. ESPN does what makes them money. Period.
What I, Joe Cool, thinks is that we have a segment of the fanbase that get their panties in a wad if all Kentucky articles aren't good and all other coverage isn't bad. That same group gets upset when one or more talking heads generate hits by pushing the buttons of certain of our fans. Why do they do that? Because its TOO easy.
Grow up.
You don't need to believe that ESPN has anything against UK, and I don't on the whole (but certain people there definitely do), to acknowledge that there is an obvious ACC/Duke/UNCheat bias. The hiring practice of on-air talent alone shows you that. Then you have John Saunders taking every chance he gets to claim Williams is innocent, and then there is the virtual complete refusal to cover the largest academic scandal in NCAA history. But, nah, there's no bias there.
For the record, I'm not talking about the hating . I'm talking about the open favoritism for Duke and UNC with the media and the NCAA.you are talking about a different matter all together because you can't answer the direct question without using hyperbole. Does the favoritism exist. Yes or no.
You don't believe it exist. Enjoy your fairy land.
Hey kybassfan, are you capable of posting anything without your tired "tin foil hat" nonsense? Seriously, dude, give it a freaking rest already.
Hey kybassfan, are you capable of posting anything without your tired "tin foil hat" nonsense? Seriously, dude, give it a freaking rest already.
No one who is serious about this issue thinks its necessarily a "conspiracy" although I think it borderlines the notion when Duke is exempt from tournament rules. He goes there because he can't debate it on the merits. I mean, the guy wants me to prove "favoritism" for Duke and UNC . Gotta love rafters.
This is about the lack of fairness and the favoritism as it pertains to UNC, Duke etc or even as you stated correctly, the NE media in general. Of course it's real, and I'll leave it to KYbassfan to finish this off because debating a UK fan on media and ncaa bias is weird, unusual, and not worth the time.
At least KYbassfan got to insert his "ncaa article" that he wrote for bleacher report. He gets to keep his viagra in the desk for a few more days.
When ESPN refused to report about the UNCheat scandal, that did it for me.
Good Lord, are you seriously denying ESPN has ignored the UNCheat scandal? The last few times there has been major news about this, there was NOT ONE mention on any of their afternoon shows, and I didn't hear about any on their morning shows but it wouldn't surprise me, for the entire week. The first time it happened, we heard that it broke late in the day and they already had their agenda for those shows done, and then nothing the following day, or the day after, and so on. Bilas, who is great on NCAA issues and is as fair as they come, has been pretty much silent on this issue. The leader at ESPN is a UNCheat grad, and the only person over there that has really dared devote any time to it is Bob Ley, whose been there from the start and isn't afraid to do what he wants. It just blows my mind that anyone would seriously contend that ESPN has not been painfully inept at covering this scandal.
Look at the dates on those links. When the story first broke, they didn't report anything about it.Now Chuck, I know that they aren't saying what we want them to say but . . .
That's just three I picked. A simple search of the string "North Carolina Scandal" returned 71 links and I picked the three above from the first page. Now admittedly, I wish they were more damning than they are. They recently stress women's basketball and men's soccer, but that's more a "news out of INC" than a fault of ESPN. They most assuredly cover the SACS findings which is the only competent governance team at work. As we know, the NCAA is proving itself to be cowardly and incompetent.
<Now the rest of this is not directed at Chuck but to the general notion that ESPN is "out to get us".>
That said, is there an indisputable bias and blatant attempt to cover up the scandal? This information doesn't support that position. Could they be more aggressive in the Op Eds and talking head commentary? Certainly. Would that approach put more dollars in ESPN's pocket? Not likely. If it doesn't put more money in ESPNs pocket, then why would they put themselves in any legal peril if the NCAA cops out? They wouldn't.
Now, what nobody is discussing and what drives me batty is why the independent media, in particular the state media hasn't savaged INC like a bunch of rabid dogs. Preacher has touched on this in other threads. There is where your bias and conspiracy lies. The local media is clearly practicing homerism and sweeping crap under the carpet faster than INC can produce it. My take is this accounts for some of the perceived soft shoe on the part of ESPN as the local media often drives the national outlets in more than just basketball.
I'll further say that UK does NOT enjoy this luxury since we have local media all to happy to gut us like a fish. Tipton is very happy to crap all over the cats. Also, this board on more than one occasion has given unscrupulous pencil heads ammunition to use against the cats.
So there you go. At least one plausible explanation for the perceived bias on the part of ESPN. I'm sure there are better ones. Lots better than ESPN loves INC and Duke and hates us.
ESPN loves money.
Look at the dates on those links. When the story first broke, they didn't report anything about it.
Assuming you can read, search ESPN yourself. I did one single search. Came up with 71 hits. Now you can whine that the talking head you want to hear from isn't talking. Can't help you there. Guess you can send him a whiney note and ask him why he doesn't whine with you.
You want to see aliens, see aliens. Just don't act surprised if the normal folks that don't see them look at you funny.
The fact that you resort to insults in every single post, says volumes about you. You're also disingenuous in pointing to online articles, when the vast majority of people get their sports news from TV. Next time there is a major terrorist attack, are you gonna run to CNN.com? Ok, I'm done talking to someone who can't admit facts that are plain to see by anyone with an ounce of rational thought.
When ESPN refused to report about the UNCheat scandal, that did it for me.
So you think it was inappropriate to respond to a comment regarding ESPN coverage with ESPN articles? Are you seriously stating the only news that counts is TV news? REALLY? All this hoopla over ESPN is because they didn't bash nc on TV? That is hysterically funny. I've read several of Chuck's posts. He's a pretty bright guy. I doubt that's what he meant.
Given that bit of obvious insanity, I'm not sure I'm all that confident in your assessment of rationality.
And yes, the next terrorist attack, God forbid, I'll go to cnn.com, Fox News, usatoday, Washington Post and every other shred of information I can lay my hands, eyes and fingers on. I respect your decision to rely on that infinite font of knowledge, however, SportsCenter.
I do give you credit. That was the wackiest post I ever read. And shame on you for bringing a tragic thing like terrorism into this. Bad form!
There was numerous posts on here regarding the "no coverage" by ESPN. I don't know where bassfan was at the time.
There was numerous posts on here regarding the "no coverage" by ESPN. I don't know where bassfan was at the time.
Apparently reading their numerous articles. You know, he's so erudite and we peasants just sit around watching the idiot tube apparently.
Semantics. You know what we are talking about. When the story broke, many other outlets reported on it, but not ESPN. Yeah, they reported on it much later, but didn't when it broke. sheesh!But we've demonstrated that they covered it, right? That claim has been proven false.
Maybe folks didn't like the words. Maybe it wasn't a given talking head. Maybe it wasn't the exact timing expected. But they covered it.
Semantics. You know what we are talking about. When the story broke, many other outlets reported on it, but not ESPN. Yeah, they reported on it much later, but didn't when it broke. sheesh!
Still lists all of our outgoing walk-ons and none of our recruits. Just about all other top teams have been updated. Just checked and cbssports hasn't either. Lazy bums.