ESPN still hasn't updated our roster


Dec 12, 2007
Still lists all of our outgoing walk-ons and none of our recruits. Just about all other top teams have been updated. Just checked and cbssports hasn't either. Lazy bums.
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j/k they know we have crazy fans to talk about ESPN. they are enjoying it anyway they can.
It's the same thing every year. Guarantee Duke and UNCheats rosters are updated, I don't even have to check.
ESPN's response to Silencearegolden and every other UK fan demanding the update:

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In their defense our roster has been anything but "set" the last couple months. They may just be waiting on the final word on Humphries before they change everything over for us.

I think ESPN is done for year so they can keep Duke1.
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and maybe if you would pay attention you would know our roster isn't set.. and nobody has released a new isn't a conspiracy

If you learned to read I never said it was. Jesus, some of you guys are so freaking anxious to jump on other UK fans for the most piddly ish!
If you learned to read I never said it was. Jesus, some of you guys are so freaking anxious to jump on other UK fans for the most piddly ish!
wouldn't have brought it up if you wasn't thinking conspiracy..."everyone's out to get UK"...keep up, it's just that the roster isn't set ....discussion over!!!
wouldn't have brought it up if you wasn't thinking conspiracy..."everyone's out to get UK"...keep up, it's just that the roster isn't set ....discussion over!!!

Thanks but I don't need anyone interpreting my motivations. And you aren't the arbiter of when conversations start and end pal.
Here ill help you out.

F- Poythress 6-8 240
F- Lee 6-10 220
G- Hawkins 6-1 195
F- Willis 6-9 220
G- Mulder 6-5 194
G- Floreal 6-4 200 (Walk-on)
G- Ulis 5-10 160
G- Matthews 6-6 204
G- Briscoe 6-4 208
F- Skal 6-11 223
G- Murray 6-5 190
G- David 6-2 185 (Walk-on)
C- Wynyard 6-10 255 (Can play after 1st semester early Jan 2016)
C- Humphries 7-1 250 (Will announce soon to play for UK on the 15-16 team)
now that the roster is set...ESPN & CBS can put out the new roster and you can relax

Except they still haven't almost 2 weeks after I started the thread. Even added Humphries, but still have all the outgoing walk-ons and no incoming recruits other than Humphries.
Its a vast conspiracy between ESPN, Rat Face, Moon Pie and a couple of a aliens from across the universe. The thought is that ESPN is so powerful that the NCAA will make the Cats forfeit all the games in which any unlisted player competes. This is a result of a double secret plan to have ESPN be the official notice of the NCAA eligibility clearing house. Only the CIA, MI-7, Austin Powers and the Men in Black know of this plan. Rat Face and Moon Pie cooked this up in one of many empty classrooms on the North Carolina campus.

I'll probably be killed for revealing this information but I thought you should know.
Its a vast conspiracy between ESPN, Rat Face, Moon Pie and a couple of a aliens from across the universe. The thought is that ESPN is so powerful that the NCAA will make the Cats forfeit all the games in which any unlisted player competes. This is a result of a double secret plan to have ESPN be the official notice of the NCAA eligibility clearing house. Only the CIA, MI-7, Austin Powers and the Men in Black know of this plan. Rat Face and Moon Pie cooked this up in one of many empty classrooms on the North Carolina campus.

I'll probably be killed for revealing this information but I thought you should know.

One of the most common misconceptions among the "anti-conspiracy" crowd, is that they think the other side just assumes every media outlet is out to tarnish Kentucky. Instead, it's the notion that certain schools (Duke, and to a lesser extent, UNC) get unfair positive treatment.

It's not so much that Kentucky fans think this is ESPN's way of shaking a stick at us (although there are well-documented accounts of ESPN members hating Kentucky), it's that we KNOW UNC and Duke's list would be updated pronto. And if you want to discredit the notion that throughout history, those two schools somehow get shielded, there are plenty of posters, media members, documentaries, NCAA cases, officiating farces, etc that will give you all evidence you need.

This isn't a Kentucky thing.. it's a Duke/UNC thing.
One of the most common misconceptions among the "anti-conspiracy" crowd, is that they think the other side just assumes every media outlet is out to tarnish Kentucky. Instead, it's the notion that certain schools (Duke, and to a lesser extent, UNC) get unfair positive treatment.

It's not so much that Kentucky fans think this is ESPN's way of shaking a stick at us (although there are well-documented accounts of ESPN members hating Kentucky), it's that we KNOW UNC and Duke's list would be updated pronto. And if you want to discredit the notion that throughout history, those two schools somehow get shielded, there are plenty of posters, media members, documentaries, NCAA cases, officiating farces, etc that will give you all evidence you need.

This isn't a Kentucky thing.. it's a Duke/UNC thing.

I know where you can get a good deal on Reynolds wrap.
Some additional thoughts on this thread/topic.

1. The conspiracy lives on.
2. Who actually utilizes ESPN for their UK roster needs/knowledge when you have UKathletics, Jon Scott's website, this website, etc? I never do, but to each his/her own.
3. Maybe someone should call ESPN and fix this enormous issue.
Some additional thoughts on this thread/topic.

1. The conspiracy lives on.
2. Who actually utilizes ESPN for their UK roster needs/knowledge when you have UKathletics, Jon Scott's website, this website, etc? I never do, but to each his/her own.
3. Maybe someone should call ESPN and fix this enormous issue.

1. Lives on? I think its multiplying. Its evil I tell you, pure unadulterated evil. :(

2. I found the URL for this EVIL ESPN (now I know what that E stands for). I won't repeat it here cause there are children. Did you know they are pretending to be a sports media outlet? Deceptive and pure unadulterated evil!! :scream:

3. Oh, my. Now you are encouraging folks to commune with the devil on that deceptive and pure unadulterated evil ESPN!!! Its evil! [devil]

Though there is another explanation. Far fetched. Probably a false hope, but . . .

There is a remote possibility that they are just a sports media outlet that tries to boost ratings while gearing up for the upcoming football season.

I know, call me naïve. [roll]

By the way, you are right, of course, on Jon's site. Its a work of art.
Now, I wouldn't use this thread as a means to be sarcastic toward the notion that there are biases against schools like UK and for schools like Duke. That is real, and how much more proof would someone need to know ESPN prefers UNC Duke etc. and could care less about UK? There's no conspiracy because most of college basketball sees that. Why do you think ESPN feels the need to come out and respond to allegations they give special treatment to schools like Duke?

There's no vast UK conspiracy because conspiracy infers an attempt to deceive. The fact that ESPN and the NCAA don't care for UK isn't hidden at all, in fact it's embraced. There's plenty of examples even if this isn't one.

Just wanted to add that because when I see UK fans that don't believe we are far from a darling, I can't seem to understand what planet you've been living on.
I know where you can get a good deal on Reynolds wrap.

If you don't believe ESPN and the NCAA have biases toward Duke/UNC then here's not much more to say. You've been watching long enough to see it. Will jay bilas come out AGAIN to tell the basketball world there's no bias for Duke because everyone sees the proof? Will UNC continue skate on the biggest academic scandal in sports history?

Man, some of you are so cool. Way too cool to give in to a "conspiracy theory" : ROLL EYES:
If you don't believe ESPN and the NCAA have biases toward Duke/UNC then here's not much more to say. You've been watching long enough to see it. Will jay bilas come out AGAIN to tell the basketball world there's no bias for Duke because everyone sees the proof? Will UNC continue skate on the biggest academic scandal in sports history?

Man, some of you are so cool. Way too cool to give in to a "conspiracy theory" : ROLL EYES:

You are going to need an extra layer or two of foil on that head.

You do know that having a bias in favor of puke or inc is a LONG way from the contrived conspiracy some have invented against KY. You don't have to be cool to know that. Just take off the aluminum cone head.
You are going to need an extra layer or two of foil on that head.

You do know that having a bias in favor of puke or inc is a LONG way from the contrived conspiracy some have invented against KY. You don't have to be cool to know that. Just take off the aluminum cone head.

This is what I'm saying. There's an element in the sports journalism world and with the NCAA that prefers Duke and UNC over schools like UK. This is seen in many aspects. No one usually uses words like conspiracy unless its the small segment that is trying to downplay the situation.

To deny the bias and favoritism is just you trying to play it off as nothing as to appear more "intelligent" than some "conspiracy theorist".

It's silly. The bias and favoritism exist, even if it's petty to you. Now run along screaming about tin foil hats and aliens. It's all you because no one else thinks it's that insane.
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oh look Duke gets another 1 seed when they should be a 2, and gets to go out west!!

UNC skating along during the single biggest athletic and academic scandal in the history of basketball.

And Kentucky was just asked to re-send john calipari's 500th career victory......

Who's wearing the tin foil hat? In what world is UK treated fairly? Does fairy dust exist in your world too?

That game can be played 2 ways.
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oh look Duke gets another 1 seed when they should be a 2, and gets to go out west!!

UNC skating along during the single biggest athletic and academic scandal in the history of basketball.

And Kentucky was just asked to re-send john calipari's 500th career victory......

Who's wearing the tin foil hat? In what world is UK treated fairly? Does fairy dust exist in your world too?

That game can be played 2 ways.

DUDE DUDE! Don't say this stuff in public. They'll abduct you and do all kinds of probing stuff.

Tell Scully I said hi!

Oh, and keep yer babbling to one thread. One thread it's an anti UK conspiracy. The other its a protect UNC at all cost but nothing against UK. Maybe it depends on which brand of foil though. Maybe that off brand stuff get's yer signals crossed.

Here is what I got when I did two laps of Reynolds Wrap. Used the extra wide kind.

Duke's #1 ranking was a thing that "J" did before Ratface goes back to his home planet. You know, a special tribute.

The UNC thing was a mixup. Scotty beamed up all them kids out of class by mistake. They're gonna bring'em back after they drop off Spock.

The John Calipari thing was cooked up by Rat Face, Moonpie, ISIS and Kim Jung Un. Something to do with the Rodman visit and the NCAA not being able to count to 500 since ISIS put something in Moonpie's RC Coler. I can't say more here, they're listening.

And how did you know my name was Joe Cool? Now I'm getting paranoid.

To everyone else, sorry, I just couldn't pass up the fish in the barrel.
Maybe now that we have all 13 scholarships filled (unless Floreal goes back to walkon status) they can get it updated.
If you don't believe ESPN and the NCAA have biases toward Duke/UNC then here's not much more to say. You've been watching long enough to see it. Will jay bilas come out AGAIN to tell the basketball world there's no bias for Duke because everyone sees the proof? Will UNC continue skate on the biggest academic scandal in sports history?

Man, some of you are so cool. Way too cool to give in to a "conspiracy theory" : ROLL EYES:

ESPN don't care everyone know they are biases toward UNC & Duke.